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  • yes, but i know what mad_about_animals is saying. i have done it and im no proud, if this happened would my real account be suspended ? i didnt mean to, adn i have not looked at that second account since i realised that i shouldnt.
    in Maybe Comment by Anonymous March 2006
  • can I join I have a shiba Inu and she is fully trained
  • yeah i meen i got a golden retreiver when it wasnt trained and i trained it why shouldnt you buy a dog just waiting to be loved because its not trained.(to many traineds) :evil: [/quote]
  • yes Nitara that makes me feel bad when ppl say no ones going to buy that dog because its not trained ppl that say that are rude!
  • sorry just an error in the above. Claire is also known as Mystic07.
  • i was waiting for something like this to come about ages ago lol. so looks like im def in. also i have a litter of 6x4-7x4 mals up for sale at my kennel. search my name and check it out.
  • I've decided on a name for my team Margaret E.'s On Fire Flyball Team Samara**DMC (timber wolf) Owani (German Sherperd Dog) Merche (arctic fox) Moonlights Mist (wolf, arctic)
  • OK Heres my Flyball Team: Taurus's Belgian Stallions
  • In a contract, you can make it out to anyone you want or whatever price or how many turns, etc. If this was used on studs it could be like this: *HMK* Sunshine has an automatic lowered fee from $3,000 to $300 for JohnDoe for three seperate breed…
    in food Comment by Anonymous December 2004
  • I totally agree with might be just a game...but yet for some it's a little more than that... and resetting the game wouldn't do much good either. I, as a novice account, would be very upset if all my hardwork was gone just because…
  • Maybe it is TOO HARD for you to understand. It is rather simple. Example, you have over a thousand wolves in the game Jinxx & Angel-pup worked hard to get two rare colors [cayote&white as well as another coloration]. Then you get this na…
  • Ok, yeah, I've noticed that, certain breeds going for top prices then bottom falling out. I wanted a Greyhound, picked a nice enough one up from market cheap, picked up another couple, then the fame point super dogs came into play and "speed breed…
  • It doesn't ruin game, and as long as most don't do a dang thing with their dogs, it has a small effect on the serious competitor who may pick up a gem cheap to shine brightly in thier kennel either in sport or breeding program. Seems one issue i…
  • I'm not sure that this was an issue in the growth of population, but I was watching the # of dogs on main page-where it shows latest member and show and growth was much slower before the crash. I think once the compensation dogs are used, things wil…
  • The sponsers of course, would keep their accounts. But otherwise the game is ruined cause of extreme breeding. There are 148145 horses in VHR by over a year. 27227 in 3 months here. That is a LOT of breeding
  • Nef made a similar post on VHR & there was no complaints there. That was running for over a year. This has been going for what, 5 months?
  • Bluegum_Bulldogs wrote: After all it is a game............Maybe there should be a choice if you want to inbreed your dog. And if choosen, the pups would be more prone to disease, if diseases were introduced on here. Anyway the inbreeding thing do…
  • :? :? ~shakes head~ the person is not being lazy. If they have limited money and are trying to improve a rare breed, hence can not use every stud out there to widen blood lines etc, then what do they do. Hand out rubbish like the rest who waste t…
  • I don't think you get the person's point though it is rather simple. She/he is working on a particular dog breed and the rest of the animals for stud/sale are worthless to her/his breeding program. Example: I am working for 4 star endurance on my…
  • yea but something like you have to get sertain foods depending on the dogs job and it has to be fed certain quantedies (how ever you spell it) depening on the breed like a great dane needs more then a terrier.i like the idea of the flea and worm tab…
    in food Comment by Anonymous October 2004
  • I once read a book a while ago about someone getting his dog's tail docked and ears clipped. The author said think of a child getting his ears clicked and half his nose [since humans have no tails] taken off.
  • It's important to remember that cropping and docking were procedures performed to serve a purpose. Generally, the only dogs that had their ears cropped were dogs that often were of the working group---dogs that performed jobs. In most cases, this 'w…
  • Excellent idea Some foods in real life improve mucles and strenght, while others increase the dog's weight
    in food Comment by Anonymous September 2004
  • Yeah... i agree that it should be like, a weekly limit. but one problem could be that you are a breeder and a lot of requests come in and they can't wait and they won't pay you...
  • Um, may I mention something here? If you only breed once a month, you can be breeding dogs for 2 years and 1 month. That's kinda how I'm working things. Then, maybe you'll be able to get a sponsor account. If not, you've still had too years to b…
  • What?? That limit is for ever? It should /atleast/ be reset yearly. I mean, as realistic as 'the going to the breeder to breed you a pup' is, I'd rather use my own dogs and I'd rather not have to always get someone else to do it. Also my litters al…