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Sporting/Working Events...

Not sure if anyone is still eventing? But I put up some Sport and some Work events. Also feel free to PM me to say hi. The game is feeling kinda lonely :'(


  • I'm still trying to learn how to navigate but I know I entered a few.
  • That's great, I'm still quite lost myself with everything! But It looks like the eventing is picking up a bit over the past few days. Now if I could just figure out how to take a turn with my eventing dogs only -_-
    Lol XD
  • Hmmm, now forums is making me sign into my baby sister's old forums account... -_-

    This is lovefrompaige aka bobcat. But oh well.

    I'm gonna try to start throwing some dogs in places every day.
    How do you go about viewing your management page?
    Back in the old days, you clicked Management (or something similar) and it would show you your reports... I'm looking all around for that baby. Grr. 
  • O.o Good question... Hmm.. Yeah if you play from your computer I have no clue. Sorry haha I play exclusively from my phone and I think the layout is a little different. From your phone there's a tab after you click VP on the upper left hand that says "Account Management". So maybe log on from your phone?
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