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Ideas and topics

To help keep this section organized, I'd like to post ideas for events here and when we start working on the idea, fleshing it out and organizing, we create a new topic and link it here. That way, if we decide to use an idea again, we can refer to notes from previous times easily.<br><br>When organizing, we can start the topic for players to enter on this forum and when we're ready to start the event, I'll move it into the trainoff and events section.<br><br>Any other suggestions for organization?<br><br>Ideas:<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Worst Statted Dog</a>
<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>


  • I would like to get something together for March. There are a number of holidays in March, if we wanted to go with something themed. I rather like goof off day on March 22. I used <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; to list the holidays.<br><br>What about finding the worst statted dogs and running events to see which one does the worst?<br>Maybe another scavenger hunt finding things that might do with several of the holidays?<br><br>Feel free to post your ideas.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Alabama wrote:
    I would like to get something together for March. There are a number of holidays in March, if we wanted to go with something themed. I rather like goof off day on March 22. I used <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; to list the holidays.<br><br>What about finding the worst statted dogs and running events to see which one does the worst?<br>Maybe another scavenger hunt finding things that might do with several of the holidays?<br><br>Feel free to post your ideas.
    <br><br>Goof Off day sounds like you could make a pretty good event out of it...<br><br>For example:<br><br>Who can find the goofiest dog name within the game?<br><br>Or a scavenger hunt based on goofy things within the game? <br><br>Finding the worst statted dogs and seeing which one does the worst sounds pretty interesting, but I feel that people could just import dogs and use them? Not that its a big problem
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • I kind a like the worst statted dog idea. As for imports not doing will, I actually I have found that imports do quite well in a lot of events.
  • Alabama wrote:
    I would like to get something together for March. There are a number of holidays in March, if we wanted to go with something themed. I rather like goof off day on March 22. I used <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; to list the holidays.<br><br>What about finding the worst statted dogs and running events to see which one does the worst?<br>Maybe another scavenger hunt finding things that might do with several of the holidays?<br><br>Feel free to post your ideas.
    <br><br>I like the idea of Goof Off day, what kind of events could we do with it? <br><br><br>Old Stuff day also caught my eye, I can't tell you how many dogs I have in my kennel that I'd like to get rid of, but cannot due to the poor market and low demand for dogs. I know plenty of other people who are always trying to sell. Maybe host an event that allows people to give these dogs to a massive auction with the premise that they could/will go for very cheap. Kind of like a claimer horse. Better yet, make it a competition, set a max number of dogs per player and the winner is the person whose dogs bring the most income.<br><br>And the worst statted dog idea sounds like a fun spin on the traditional eventing competitions. If imports are a concern, they could always be excluded. In my opinion it'd be better that way anyway, seeing as it could direct more business onto the rescues who are stuck with these dogs.
  • Since everyone seems to like the worst statted, I've created a topic to discuss it further<br><br><br>I like Old stuff day too. That could be fun. Could set a dog number that dogs can't go over, like I know <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">this dog</a> is about 6 years old, so it would be eligible, while <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">this one</a> is only about a year and a half. I can probably look back at PB orders to find dates and dog numbers that are more realistic than 6 years old.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • <br>Goof Off day sounds like you could make a pretty good event out of it...<br><br>For example:<br><br>Who can find the goofiest dog name within the game?<br><br>Or a scavenger hunt based on goofy things within the game? <br><br>
    <br><span style="font-style:italic"><span style="color:#400080"><br>Goof off day does sound interesting. The scavenger hunts do seem to be pretty successful so one based around goofy things could be fun. Maybe instead of doing rounds like I did in my last one it'll be a one round/time thing where players are given a larger list of things to find. Then they could get 1 point per thing they find and bonus points for being the 1st, 2nd and 3rd player to submit answers. Then whoever has the highest scores would win.</span></span><br><br><br><br><br><br>
    Old Stuff day also caught my eye, I can't tell you how many dogs I have in my kennel that I'd like to get rid of, but cannot due to the poor market and low demand for dogs. I know plenty of other people who are always trying to sell. Maybe host an event that allows people to give these dogs to a massive auction with the premise that they could/will go for very cheap. Kind of like a claimer horse. Better yet, make it a competition, set a max number of dogs per player and the winner is the person whose dogs bring the most income.
    <br><br><span style="font-style:italic"><span style="color:#400080">This made me think of the Bizarre they did in an episode of the old black and white Addam's family show. Everyone on the show donated things to a huge community auction and then the winnings went toward something for the community. Branching off from that it could be neat to have a huge VP Bizarre/Auction where members donate whatever they want and it could be auctioned off. Like Frost mentioned above set a max number of things people can donate and whoever's donation brings in the largest sum of money gets the biggest prize. Then have a 2nd and 3rd place and consolation prizes for everyone who donates. The income from the auction could be used to fund the prizes.<br><br><br><br><br>Also just wanted to throw this out there, I've got a contest/event in the works that came about before the committee. It's with another player who will be leaving and was wanting to do something creative to give away their VPC, 10x4s and what have you. So when that gets finalized it'll be popping up on the main forums. just wanted to give a heads up </span></span>
  • Since the Worst-Statted Dog Comp seems to be in the final stages of creation, I thought maybe we could start talking future ideas again? <br><br>Especially with spring in the (hopefully) near future, that auction I mentioned a while back could go nicely with a "spring cleaning" theme.
  • Since the Worst-Statted Dog Comp seems to be in the final stages of creation, I thought maybe we could start talking future ideas again? <br><br>Especially with spring in the (hopefully) near future, that auction I mentioned a while back could go nicely with a "spring cleaning" theme.
    <br><br>Sounds good. Want to start another thread and flesh it out for comments/suggestions?
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • I think fleshing out the spring cleaning idea, is great.
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • Anyone want to take the reins for the spring cleaning auction? I'm not sure exactly what is meant. If someone wants to, go ahead and create another topic for it. <br><br>Any other ideas for a May event?<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>There's a Mother Goose Day and a Limerick Day, maybe some kind of writing exercise to change things up?<br>It's also National Guide Dog and National Pet month in the States, so a tie in for VP, don't have any ideas how to do something with that.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • <span style="color:#400080"><span style="font-style:italic">I always love a good writing exercise and they have been successful in the past so I think that would be great.<br><br>I've actually been tinkering with an idea that kinda ties in with National Guide Dog month but it's more a service dog thing. It would be a search and rescue competition that revolves around a VP disaster. I've been meaning to bring it up but got sucked up in a ton of other things lol. To sum it up there will be a disaster alert (perhaps, an impending hurricane) and during the competition the first 2-3 rounds would be rescue drills. Then the final round will be when the disaster strikes and dogs will earn double points during this round. I figure scoring could be kinda like we did with the worst stated dog comp. but in winning order. I like scoring like this as it allows people to enter dogs they already have as their event history doesn't matter, instead of having to have special dogs for each competition. </span></span>
  • Para, I love this idea!
  • <span style="color:#400080"><span style="font-style:italic">Thanks :D It's been rattling around in my noggin for sometime now. At one point I had considered making a club out of it but went a different direction lol.</span></span>
  • I like the service dog idea as well. <br><br>I wonder if there's any way we could somehow draw some novices in.. I know it rarely works well to make overall scoring depend on a new player actually finishing the competition. What would you guys think of a small bonus, outside of the actual competition, to each novice and the player who gets them to actually enter? An old dog teaching a new dog. Maybe an extra bonus if the new player does actually finish the competition.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • <span style="color:#400080"><span style="font-style:italic">I like the novice bonus idea. i think it would help get them involved and maybe help them stick around more.</span></span>
  • Alabama wrote:
    I like the service dog idea as well. <br><br>I wonder if there's any way we could somehow draw some novices in.. I know it rarely works well to make overall scoring depend on a new player actually finishing the competition. What would you guys think of a small bonus, outside of the actual competition, to each novice and the player who gets them to actually enter? An old dog teaching a new dog. Maybe an extra bonus if the new player does actually finish the competition.
    <br><br>I think that giving them a small bonus is a great idea. Also maybe give the sponsors and get a bonus on completion too, like say you were to give a new player (500K) for finishing the competition, give the sponsor players (200K) for finishing, or dish it out in points like 5pts for newbies and 3pts for sponsors, so that they don't feel like all the new players are getting a lot more benefit from competing
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • Theres a "holiday event" coming up in August 11th. Called "Son & Daughters Day", I literally just heard about it. So throughout August starting on the 11th we could:

    Host a Flyball event or other 4 team event where the player has to enter the "Mother, Father" and "2 offspring" into the competition. Whoever's family team comes first, wins. 

    A point scoring system would probably be best where:

    Winning Team: 5pts 
    Second Team: 3pts
    Third Team: 2pts

    With each additional team getting 1pt

    We could do a couple of rounds with each active committee member posting 4 events per round and scoring. 

    Any player who enters ALL events could gain an additional 5pts for their participation. 

    Let me know what you guys think?
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
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