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VP Slow?

edited April 2015 in General Discussion
I know I'v been hiding for ages and don't post much and come out as a bit of a bum...<br><br>I'm trying to get back into the game but training with the refresh taking forever and there is like no one online when I am is driving me nuts, wanted to know if anyone else is having the prob? because my net can run our ps4s and xbox ones and laptops on the net fine with no lag.<br><br>But besides that, if anyone wanted to know, I now have a new pup so have a total of 4 dogs now.<br>2x APBTs<br>1x Staffy/Pit/Shar<br>1x Beardie/NZhuntaway/ACD<br><br>I'm also working as I didn't get to do my dog training course this year due to money probs.
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