I have two personal breeds- Wolverines and Tasmanian Devils<br>I auctioned off 4 10x4s of each as well as a couple 8 or 9x4s so there are 6-8 of each breed owned by individuals other than me<br>I want to put some up for sale so that people who like the breeds could own them but I want to respect the people who purchased them from me in the past so I won't be selling any more 10x4s (I guaranteed that I wouldn't be selling more than 4). I would like to sell them neutered as I don't want any bred outside of my kennels since I spent a good deal of money on them. I know a lot of people don't want to buy neutered dogs, but I want them to stay rare. I think I've seen others do similar things with their personal breeds.<br>So my question for you all- would anyone be interested in purchasing these breeds neutered with stats around 8 or 9x4? I don't want to breed more or neuter any only to find out that there's no interest. Thoughts?
350k for ALL long grooms! Other prices on page http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=161350