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edited February 2015 in General Discussion
I used to kind of be on here for a little bit, but never really had a sponsor. <br><br>I'm just wondering if there's anybody who I may know still alive.<br><br>Kimyo<br>Bias (UnhingedBias)?<br><br>Triple Threat K9s or something to that nature. I'm not sure LOL.<br><br>But, I'm back and sort of remember training and got myself a sponsor from my best friend.<br><br>Now the question is, how do I get fame points to spend on skills? I've been logged off for two hours and haven't gotten any? I read the help files but I didn't see anything about getting fame points, but just fame in general.
Jason Raiden -- Born on 1/3/13 13:31


  • Hello, <br><br>Welcome back to the game. I've been here since 2007. <br><br>You get Fame points by hosting events and entering your dogs into events. That's the only way that I know of that you can get fame points. As your already a sponsor you will be able to host 4 events (unless your a prestige kennel, where they can host 8) at a time. Make sure that there are more than 8 dogs in the event (people like to get it to over 25 dogs in the event before running) and that the dogs are from 2 or more kennels.
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • Thanks lol<br><br>I do have four sets of K9 sets up and Im a specialized training account. Just need my skills to go up lol. So 25 is the norm to run, but you can run as soon as 10 enters correct?<br><br>Besides training, what else is worth getting? Breeding skill? Business? etc?
    Jason Raiden -- Born on 1/3/13 13:31
  • <span style="color:#400080"><span style="font-style:italic">Hello there and welcome back to the game! I don't believe we've ever met but I'm always happy to see a player return or a new player start.<br><br>Tiger is right in that you can only gain fame points through eventing. If you need any help with eventing or just want some tips feel free to check out my <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Eventing Resource Center</a>. There's info listed on the kennel if you feel like reading and if you need any help from the program feel free to let me know.<br><br>After you get your 100 in training for your specialty the other skills kinda depend on what you want to do. If you plan to continue eventing your canines I'd place 100 in handling also. That skill really helps your dogs score better in events. If you aren't going to event your dogs I'd go for the business skill so that you can host events with larger prizes and larger entry fees. I wouldn't bother with the breeding skill unless you're a sponsor breeding kennel as that's the only way to get the full breeding bonus. Even if you have 100 in the breeding skill as another kennel type you wont get the bonus so it would be kinda a waste in my opinion.<br><br>Hope that helps a little and good luck with whatever you choose to do.</span></span>
  • Thank you wolf!<br><br>I'll glance around at that.
    Jason Raiden -- Born on 1/3/13 13:31
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