<span style="font-style:italic"><span style="color:#400080">Greetings to all you lovely VP people! I've been thinking and tinkering with an idea or so as to how we can "wake" VP up. Eventing seems to have picked up a bit and I see that some old and new players have joined but it still feels like something is missing; almost like VP is hibernating. The sense of community that use to be such a strong aspect to the game has diminished, at least I feel it has. I thought about starting up a club/foundation of sorts dedicated to rejuvenating VP but wasn't sure how to go about it exactly or if anyone would be interested. In my own little ways I try to help VP along, by being active when I'm here and what not but I feel like there's more that could be done. So I guess I'm starting this to spark conversation and ideas as to what we could do to bring VP back to life. </span></span>
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