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edited November 2014 in Vent
<span style="color:#400080">I'm going to try not to go too deep into a rant...<br><br>What I will say is this:<br>Rescue kennels are probably the most labor intensive sponsor type on here. I'm not saying that rescuing is harder than the other things you can do on VP. But think about it, if you have a training kennel for example, you can easily make millions every day training for others or at the very least save millions by training for yourself. The other kennel types all have a similar way about them, where if you use them they will "pay for themselves". If you decide to be a rescue, however, you may spend hours or days going through dogs and kennels and not find any dogs to rescue...and even if you do rescue some dogs there's no guarantee that they'll sell and you'll make money for your time and effort.<br><br>Every player that I have personally talked to has some noble goal that inspired them to become a rescue, so that behind the scenes they're trying to heal VP in some way or another. That is not a common goal amongst training kennels or prestige kennels. But it is probably inevitable that at some point every player will rescue dogs only to have a kennel owner come back to the game.<br><br>I've said all that to say, if you find at some point that your dogs, for whatever reason, have ended up in a rescue kennel...please take a moment to consider how much hard and thankless work that player is doing. Please consider that this player may have just spent days searching through VP only to finally come across your kennel. Realize that it's not personal, and that if you ask nicely many rescues will give you your dogs back for free (or at least really cheap) even after all that work they did to get them. Sending a mean, rude, or angry message won't get you anywhere except maybe on that player's Ignore List (you still won't have your dogs).<br><br>Looks like I ranted anyway lol... As a side note, everyone should try to be appreciative of anyone that is providing any kind of service on here. Most of the time players are investing real time and effort for fake money, so be nice!<br></span>
BBB Kennels: *~* Training *~* Breeding *~* Sales *~* Showing *~* Boarding *~*


  • I think I am correct in saying that ALL rescue kennel owners know and understand exactly what you are saying and fully agree with you - because, sad but true, we have all been on the receiving end of one (or many) of those nasty messages!<br><br>When I first started rescuing a few years ago, those messages bothered me a lot. I was very upset, thinking that someone else thought I purposely stole their dogs. Now I have grown and matured to the idea, ins/outs of rescuing and honestly get angry when some rude, ignorant person sends me a message saying, "You have my dogs . . ." expecting me to give them right back to them with no pleases or thank you's in there anywhere. <br><br>Being nice will go a long way in getting what you want.
  • <span style="color:#400080">I have gotten a few messages saying "I think you have my dogs" or "You rescued my dogs" and even "You rescued some dogs that came from my line" but the majority of the time they're friendly or at the very least respectful! It actually hurts my feelings to open a message and read mean things from some random stranger just because they forgot to take a couple of seconds out of their day to log onto their kennel. The worst part of it to me, is that anyone that spends <span style="font-style:italic"><span style="font-weight:bold">any</span></span> time talking to me would know that I try to be as kind and helpful as I possible can, in all of my kennels and just in general, and I give things away for free just because I can. Unless it's a 1oak gifty or something, most of the time I'll give people their dogs back for free or super cheap (maybe just paying boarding fees) if they ask nicely. So if they had just been somewhat decent they could have gotten their dogs back no problem. There's just no reason to be nasty. Like you said Nacie, being nice goes a long way! And on the other end of that, being rude or disrespectful can go a long way in the opposite direction and prevent you from achieving your goals!</span>
    BBB Kennels: *~* Training *~* Breeding *~* Sales *~* Showing *~* Boarding *~*
  • Completely agree! I know for a fact that because I am a rescue kennel, a lot of people do not believe I am actually a nice person and I really do try to do nice things for them and not just for the VPC. Just because a person has a rescue kennel does not mean that we are VPC greedy. Yes, we want VPC to pay for the kennel and other things but there are many times that I rescue for other reasons. Example: several months ago I rescued over 600 dogs and sent the owner a message saying that since she has always been so nice to me and to others that when/if she returns, she can have the dogs back. Well, about a month ago she did return and she got all of her dogs back. She was very happy.<br><br>With that being said, I also want to say that there are many people here in VP that understand exactly what being a rescue kennel is all about and they would never be mean or hateful - I have interacted with many, many, many wonderful people in my years of playing VP!
  • I'm not a rescue kennel myself, but I would like to weigh in on this. I personally would like to say good job to all of you who can spend the time combing through pages upon pages of pixel pups. I tried it once and felt like I was going to go crazy. I'm sorry to hear that each of you, as well as many another rescue kennel user, have gone through things of that nature. I know from personal experience that rescue kennel players can be quite nice and very helpful. One time I had entrusted several pairs of my line dogs to a friend to breed and after the pups were born, she went on a hiatus. After waiting months for her return and finally seeing that all dogs in her kennel were gone, I followed my dog's links to see the offspring. I promptly sent the user a short message outlining the situation and stating my intentions to buy the dogs back for the trouble. In the end, I was able to retrieve my pups free of charge. As a token of my appreciation, barring their refusal to accept VPC, we made a service exchange. This is just my little addition to the conversation, so that it can be known from a non-rescue perspective. <br><br>On a more personal note, kudos to you both and keep up the rescuing! I'm a major line and project addict who has found many a useful pup in both of your rescue kennels. I believe I've purchased full lines off of Nacie four or five times now xD Any who, here's some friendly love from an old player who skulks in the background. Please don't feel unappreciated and, cliche as it will sound, just let the few haters hate. That's why they made ignore buttons! :lol:

    Roll like a buffalo! xD
  • Thank you for your 'little addition to the conversation' and the very nice words!
  • As a rescue kennel, I understand completely! And I also want to thank you both because I know I've purchased dogs from both of you that were from my lines that I wanted back. Nacie has helped me out hundreds of times, most recently the other day! <3 I'm not as active as I used to be and my sponsor is expiring next month and I have no plans on upgrading anytime soon. So now I'll be relying on other rescues to help with my goals, including getting back dogs with Sugarbread in their name and lowering the numbers of popular gifties.
  • Thank you! Nice people definitely make up for the rude ones :-)
  • <span style="color:#400080">Ditto, Nacie! That's very true...the people that are sweet and friendly and appreciative far outweighs the few rude ones. Zag, feel free to let me know if there are any dogs you'd like rescued for you once your kennel expires :-) </span>
    BBB Kennels: *~* Training *~* Breeding *~* Sales *~* Showing *~* Boarding *~*
  • I also have received those mean messages, but for the most part many of them are nice and just trying to get some of their dogs back, and normally I just give them back! :) I have adopted dogs from everyone's kennel, when I have time to go through them I normally find many great dogs from both of yall's kennel, so please don't stop rescuing!! :D
  • I also have received those mean messages, but for the most part many of them are nice and just trying to get some of their dogs back, and normally I just give them back! :) I have adopted dogs from everyone's kennel, when I have time to go through them I normally find many great dogs from both of yall's kennel, so please don't stop rescuing!! :D
  • Thanks! - LOL I am addicted to rescuing and just can't see myself stopping!
  • Me either!! Actually that's what I am doing now! XD
  • I am not a rescue kennel, but I agree that it is NOT necessary for people to get rude about you having their dogs. My boyfriend left VP a while ago and in his kennel was a dog that I had dyed for his first Father's Day gift when I first found out I was pregnant (actually it was how he found out). Well I would go on there once a month just to log in and prevent from the dog being rescued. Well I forgot for several months and the dog ended up being rescued. Then my boyfriend was in a motorcycle accident and for the first week we thought he was going to die, so I found the dog and asked for him back nicely and (after a few attempts) I did end up getting the dog back. I was never rude about it and the rescuer even gave him back for free, even though I did offer VPC. People just need to realize that asking nicely (like we are taught in preschool) goes a lot further than demanding or being rude.
    If you like my avatar or graphics that you have seen by me, check out this link
  • <span style="color:#400080"><span style="font-style:italic">I must be lucky as I've yet to receive a rude message on my rescue *knocks on wood*. It may because I'm not a huge rescuer and only do it on occasion. Though I've been trying to devote more time to it as of late. However, I will say every time I see the flag go up on my rescue mail box I get a little anxious thinking it may be one of those notorious nasty messages that I've heard of. </span></span>
  • LOL I know that anxious feeling!
  • I was wondering, do any of ya'll actually make decent money on rescue kennels, or do you prefer to just spend most of your time on boarding, or training kennelS?
  • <span style="color:#400080">I definitely experience that same anxiety, Para! Even though the "I think you have my dog" messages are rare, and mean/rude ones are even less common, it's hard to shake that nervous feeling!<br><br>Morgan, I believe the money you make on rescue depends on the effort put in and the focus of what you do. Right now I make most of my income showing my dogs, but that's just because that's all I'm really active in at the moment. I'm only training my own lines and I simply haven't been in the rescuing mood lately. However, whenever I'm more active I make more money on rescue than on anything else. I remember one used-to-be-sponsor kennel that had nothing but 10x4s and rare gifties, and I made something like 60mil at auction off of those dogs. Of course the rest of VP has to be in a buying mood too... But even without auction and even not actively rescuing, I have a few thousand dogs for sale at any one time and every few days when I check my kennel I'll have made about 50-100k on sales.</span>
    BBB Kennels: *~* Training *~* Breeding *~* Sales *~* Showing *~* Boarding *~*
  • I agree with Bryson - all depends on how much time you put into rescuing and the luck of finding rare colors/dogs. 1 OAKs are the best! I have literally made 200 million in a week or two when I find a great kennel or several kennels owned by the same person. However I have also gone many, many months of only finding low stattted dogs worth hardly the adoption fee.<br><br>As for eventing - I do event but I do not keep my dogs up to the higher statted dogs on VP. I keep my old dogs and event until the end or their career - so that means they do not really do well in events and do not make me much money. My rescue kennel keeps my training/eventing kennel and my breeding kennel afloat.
  • <span style="font-style:italic"><span style="color:#400080">I'm going to agree with Bryson & Nacie, it seems the more dedicated you are to rescuing the better chances you have of making VPC with it. Sense I don't spend a great deal of time with mine, and when I do it's usually focused more on certain breeds, I don't make a lot with it. I usually have a lot of low stated dogs and the only reason I really make money with my rescue is where other players will adopt to neuter and release/retire, which doesn't bother me at all as it does help support the rescue. When I do find some really nice dogs I'll put them up for sale. Sometimes they sell quick, and other times they sit around. Depends a lot on how the VP dog market is at the time. Here lately it seems to be on the down side.<br><br>Eventing is my cash cow as I don't really breed for the public. I've got some decent dogs and they actually do pull in PC. If I could stop spending it that is! >__< I get a little cash from broods and studs that I offer but not a lot either.</span></span>
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