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For it is time.....

Hello good friends! It has been awhile, I know. I disappeared there for a bit and I apologize to you all. <br><br>This is a sad day for me as it is where I must say goodbye for good. Life has taken a big twist (engagement and pregnancy! =) ) and I will no longer have time to spend here. I would like to leave with a solid farewell. I could not do this prior to now as fear of not rehoming my beloveds myself began to sink in...then I thought if I announced my leaving, I would not be able to!! Silly me lol so now that I have made it final, I am bidding farewell! <br><br>I have left my dogs to a comeback player. She will announce to those she wants about her taking over for me (not really my place to do lol). Please see her on any of my old kennels to inqure about my beloveds you may be interested in =) She has all rights now. <br><br>Feel free to PM me as I will be checking in on her for the next little while before moving on!


  • Hate to see you leave, but Very excited for you!!!<3<br><br>Congrats about everything!!!!!!<br><br>You will be missed, but I wish you the best =)
  • Hate to see you leave, but Very excited for you!!!<3<br><br>Congrats about everything!!!!!!<br><br>You will be missed, but I wish you the best =)
  • I hate to go as I had so many ambitions! But RL moves on lol. <br><br>Thank you for the wishes! I will miss you as well (along with all of you I had connections with)!
  • <span style="color:#400080">We never really talked but I wanted to stop in and wish you the best with everything you do. It's got to be an exciting time in your life, so much is changing for you. </span>
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