You just need to breed dogs together. Best to have them groomed til 11-12yrs but just check the lifespan as some dogs won't last over 10 years whilst a few will last 50+. Although you can only breed a dog til 12.6.<br><br>Also you'll have to find the right balance between grooming and rough housing. Because some have nice aggression that will increase almost by itself in breeding (on trained dogs),<br><br>There are a number of guides that might help you with training. But be aware that not all breeds will make it to 10x4s. Or might take lots of generation.<br><br>Generally you just need to pick your breed, groom to the preferred age, breed and select the highest stat pups (some have a weak stat so you need to find the pup with the highest stat in that - normally hyper). Then breed the pups and repeat! But you can't breed siblings together.
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