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Old Posts...

edited December 2013 in General Discussion
I was looking back at my old posts, and I was such an idiot. I don't get why i had friends in 2010. :lol: Anyway, thanks for putting up with 2010 me, I was an annoying person. Anyone else go back to their old posts and say think that they were idiots? I do that all the time. Also, I'm very lonely since i came back, haha. Anyone want to be friends? (If you like Panic! at the Disco or Fall Out Boy I already love you) All my VP friends left. (◕︵◕✿)


  • <span style="color:#400080">I don't really look back at my old posts but I do often think back to my former self from years ago and face-palm lol. I've often thought back at myself and shook my head in disappointment. But its all part of growing up. We live, we learn, we change. </span>
  • Am going to see FOB in June >.> With Sim =D Mainly because the festival will have Trivium and Linkin Park playing <3<br><br>I look through my old posts because they used to be ones with Nitty and Sweetie (Claire). And if anyone remembers Claire you'll know why it would be so entertaining to go back and read the stuff she replied with xD Any Nitty was just Nitty =D
    ^ Click for comics
  • PaperWings wrote:
    Am going to see FOB in June >.> With Sim =D Mainly because the festival will have Trivium and Linkin Park playing <3<br><br>I look through my old posts because they used to be ones with Nitty and Sweetie (Claire). And if anyone remembers Claire you'll know why it would be so entertaining to go back and read the stuff she replied with xD Any Nitty was just Nitty =D
    <br> I'm so jealous of you! *pouts*
  • I go back through my old posts sometimes (i have a habit of living in my past) and im just a stupid in those as i am now, less attention seeking now though :lol:
    And i belive that half the time i am a wolf amoung the sheep gnawing at the wool over my eyes
  • And that first post mentioned panic at the disco YAY! (Favorite band love seeing them written anywhere)
    And i belive that half the time i am a wolf amoung the sheep gnawing at the wool over my eyes
  • I'm going to see FOB in March with my fiancé as part of my birthday present. I've seen them live before and they were really really good, so if you can ever afford tickets you should go :)
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • You guys are so lucky! I didn't know that many people liked p!atd or fob.. You guys have amazing music taste.
  • It took me years to find a cd store that sold any copies of the panic cd i wanted from my first year of high school in the end i gave in and bought one online wouldve been easier to buy it digital but i like having disc copies :) i liked fallout boy as well but not as much as panic at the disco
    And i belive that half the time i am a wolf amoung the sheep gnawing at the wool over my eyes
  • <span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000FF">I like to read my old RPG's or see my old graphics lol</span></span>
  • I don't really like fall out boy. They will just be at the festival I'm going to (Download Festival). Their old stuff was ok but their latest stuff since getting back together is awful.<br><br>Old chat logs were always fun to read when I used to bother with chat. Again most entertaining when Sweetie was involved.
    ^ Click for comics
  • For me, old messages from the forums are some of the best. I'm constantly reminded that when I get to talking with my friends I'm a spazz xD I hear you on having your friends leave...most of mine have as well. I still have 3 left but I'm definitely feeling like I live in my own little antisocial vpian bubble.

    Roll like a buffalo! xD
  • Make some new friends :)
    And i belive that half the time i am a wolf amoung the sheep gnawing at the wool over my eyes
  • Friends are over rated >.>
    ^ Click for comics
  • To be honest i have to agree with that ,kinda cut off all my friends after i left high school, no more birthday present buying for me XD
    And i belive that half the time i am a wolf amoung the sheep gnawing at the wool over my eyes
  • All my "friends" just kept giving me excuses about not being able to go out and do stuff. So just stopped talking to them =D I hold grudges way too easily. <br><br>Or those that I used to talk to on here have moved on with school/uni/life =( But I still have Sim =D Talk to her most days, mainly about The Sims or Pokemon hahaa.<br><br>I'm sure there used to be a thread on the forums with old posts/chat logs with silly things people have said or done.
    ^ Click for comics
  • Ohhh the sims and pokemon...yay for being surrounded by other gamers!<br>Im too lazy to hold grudges XD
    And i belive that half the time i am a wolf amoung the sheep gnawing at the wool over my eyes
  • PaperWings wrote:
    All my "friends" just kept giving me excuses about not being able to go out and do stuff. So just stopped talking to them =D I hold grudges way too easily. <br><br>Or those that I used to talk to on here have moved on with school/uni/life =( But I still have Sim =D Talk to her most days, mainly about The Sims or Pokemon hahaa.<br><br>I'm sure there used to be a thread on the forums with old posts/chat logs with silly things people have said or done.
    <br><br>YEAHHH POKEMONNNN. xD<br>*scampers away*
  • Pokemon pokemon pokemon! !actually i was always more a digimon fan , though i absolutely loved eevee and all its eveolutions (except espeon and vaporeon) i loved mankey and ursuring as well (its a bear!!) Even had a shiny green ursuring i named Limen (like lime the lemon like thing) :lol:
    And i belive that half the time i am a wolf amoung the sheep gnawing at the wool over my eyes
  • You seen the new fairy eevee evolution? That one is the worst! So stupid looking lol
    ^ Click for comics
  • Ive barely even seen the black and white dex yet...
    And i belive that half the time i am a wolf amoung the sheep gnawing at the wool over my eyes
  • <span style="color:#800000">D: Not even black and white? WHAT.<br>That means you have B&W, B&W 2! and then X & Y to catch up!<br><br>I love Pyroar. Luxray.. Gardevoir. and I kinda like Greninja too, cause he's a freaking Ninja.<br> :arrow: </span>
  • Played part of black abd white but i dont use either of my ds anymore (all that ev and iv training pokemon put me off its worse than long grooming vp dogs) so i never bought the games (my brother has them all)<br>I like cubchoo and beartic and tediursa and ursaring
    And i belive that half the time i am a wolf amoung the sheep gnawing at the wool over my eyes
  • Neither of us bother with the whole selective training crap. Natures are probably about as fussy as we get. <br><br>Hatching eggs, battling the correct things to level up set stats is just boring. I just level up pokemon any old how, obviously pushing my main team to get the most xp. Think my main team is now level 100 on my X game.
    ^ Click for comics
  • I like pokemon mystery dungeon more than the standard pokemon games :) also i dont have a 3ds so i cant play the new games
    And i belive that half the time i am a wolf amoung the sheep gnawing at the wool over my eyes
  • Sim didn't have one either, but she caved in and bought one hahaa. She is so easily tempted by me XD She has bought countless games because I've informed her of them coming out, and fallen in love with programs like Doctor Who because I persistently told her to watch it =D <br><br>I've had at least one game from every generation of Pokemon, getting Blue the first year it was out. We then collected the cards, and I still kinda do buying the odd booster pack now and again. Got game guides too. Bought Sim a rather nice hardback version of the guide for black and white! But I've never played the side games like mystery dungeon. Is that the ones where you are the pokemon yourself?
    ^ Click for comics
  • Yup it does a personality test at start of each game and my personality apparently matched eevee on one totadile on the other and skiity on one of them (theres quite a few mystery dungeon games) being that i love eevee ohh and totadiles i think the test were right...didnt like the time it tried to say i was best suited as a munchlax :| <br>They are quite different to the normal style of a pokemon game, you should give them a try ,explorers of time is currently my fave but ive not played the newer ones yet.<br><br>I used to play the card game too, but stopped playing few years back, back about 15yrs ago my brother had this mew card with a weird backing image (some collector card) and i gave away all his cards including that one (think he got them all back eventually) to this day he still brings that up whenever i mention pokemon cards :lol: last time i played was when idd just bought glaceon and leafeon themed packs so not for a few years.
    And i belive that half the time i am a wolf amoung the sheep gnawing at the wool over my eyes
  • I have a 3ds and bought pokemon x but haven't had time to play it. :/ Tell me which starter to choose - I can never choose. xD
  • The x and y starters are creepy looking
    And i belive that half the time i am a wolf amoung the sheep gnawing at the wool over my eyes
  • Just played it and had to choose fennekin. He was the only cool-looking one. His evolutions are crap though.
  • I remember Sweetie and Nitty :shock: <br>My goodness, that was some time ago, showing my age now :lol:
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