Great. Thanks. ^^ So what's the next step to get her entered?
<br><br>Did you read all the rules? She's gotta be named and trained then you can enter her in the event competitions
<br>I thought she had to be left unnamed until she was accepted? And I'm going to get her trained. ^^
<br><br>You asked if she fit the description, she does - I just need to get her name to put on the rota to keep up with her progress <br>it should be something like { EASDF } Something Here. and you can start entering her right away <br>We've got an hour left before the first events are run
WOULD EVERYONE WHO IS ENTERING THIS COMPETITION PLEASE APPLY YOUR DOGS TO <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">>>>THIS<<<</a> CLUB! <br><br>We've had some unregistered enter the events so I'm going to set them as club-only events
WOULD EVERYONE WHO IS ENTERING THIS COMPETITION PLEASE APPLY YOUR DOGS TO <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">>>>THIS<<<</a> CLUB! <br><br>We've had some unregistered enter the events so I'm going to set them as club-only events
Thanks guys! I hope you're enjoying yourselves <br>Will run the events as soon as I can - just waiting for two other pups to be trained and then they'll be run (should be within the next hour) - then I'll keep you posted. Next event will be held immediately after
She has been entered into the club you linked to.<br><br>Her name is now { EASDF } Midnight the Black Basenji.<br><br>I will find her a trainer now. ^^
Disney's Frozen avatar and banner by me.It's an amazing movie. Everyone should totally go see it.
"The cold never bothered me anyway."-Elsa the Snow Queen
Edit:Oops. Nevermind. Brain fart. I was logged into the wrong account. I was in one of my novice accounts that has no dogs in it. Epic fail. Lol. XD Time to go log into my sponsor now.
Disney's Frozen avatar and banner by me.It's an amazing movie. Everyone should totally go see it.
"The cold never bothered me anyway."-Elsa the Snow Queen
Awesome you guys! Just to let you know, I will be running events EVERY NIGHT so to save me spamming up this place with event notes just check back regularly and I'll post when there's another kennel hosting
<span style="color:#400080">I think I'm going to have to drop out of this competition :-( I just know I won't have time to enter my dogs in events every day</span>
<span style="color:#400080">I think I'm going to have to drop out of this competition :-( I just know I won't have time to enter my dogs in events every day</span>
<br><br><br>No problem <br>You are welcome to find an eventer to do it for you?
I'm struggling with the same thing because I have assignments and exams this month so I'm rarely getting on. I think it might have been better to let the events be up for 48-72 hours instead, that way those of us who cannot make it on every day would still be able to catch them <br><br>The person who wins is likely to be whoever was able to make in on a catch every single event, which now seems a little unfair. But then this is the first time I have entered any sort of event like this, so many that's how these kinda things usually run and I am just being picky <br><br>I'm probably going to pull out too. Good luck to everyone else though
I'm struggling with entering events, as well. It's becoming much too difficult to enter every single event every single day. Good luck to all other participants.
Well, Canis did mention that events will run everyday on the rules. Even though my life has been pretty hectic at the moment, I still find it pretty easy to put 5 mins aside to event. But idk, that's just me.
Well, I can change it to 48hr if you like? :P <br>I just thought it might have been better to get your pups evented higher in the short space of time that there is left :P <br>There is 10 days left of the competition XD
There is still every chance of winning I haven't been running events every day <br>There will be one more event this evening before the winners are announced - good luck
Last events are up people! After this round, the winners will be announced <br>but due to lack of time I've not managed to get 10x4 Labs YET. <br>So, what to do?<br>Well, I've uppped the prize <br>You get to choose your dyed dogs colour. Any dog of yours, any colour.
WINNERS ANNOUNCED.<br><br>First Place: { EASDF } Mikka Stardust owned by Lycanthrin @ 622 Points!<br>Second Place: { EASDF } Romelia Stardust owned by Lycanthrin @ 606 Points!<br>Third Place: { EASDF } Hope for Humanity owned by Aziu XVIII @ 559 Points!<br><br>@ Lyc, Message me with the account info and the dogs you want dyed because you won both first and second prize, you will get 4 dyes and a 6 month upgrade!<br><br>@ Aizu: I'll be giving you one dye and 500k vpc, just send a neggie contract to Emperor Canis with a neggie contract and the dog you would like dyed with the colour in its notes.<br><br><br>THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR PARTICIPATING!
Disney's Frozen avatar and banner by me.It's an amazing movie. Everyone should totally go see it.
"The cold never bothered me anyway."-Elsa the Snow Queen
Disney's Frozen avatar and banner by me.It's an amazing movie. Everyone should totally go see it.
"The cold never bothered me anyway."-Elsa the Snow Queen
Disney's Frozen avatar and banner by me.It's an amazing movie. Everyone should totally go see it.
"The cold never bothered me anyway."-Elsa the Snow Queen
Artists! Submit your work to the VP Lineart Imagebase!
Disney's Frozen avatar and banner by me.It's an amazing movie. Everyone should totally go see it.
"The cold never bothered me anyway."-Elsa the Snow Queen
BBB Kennels: *~* Training *~* Breeding *~* Sales *~* Showing *~* Boarding *~*
All Time Low Kennel Branches: Boarding. Prestige. Breeding. Giftie. Holding.
Artists! Submit your work to the VP Lineart Imagebase!
Disney's Frozen avatar and banner by me.It's an amazing movie. Everyone should totally go see it.
"The cold never bothered me anyway."-Elsa the Snow Queen
Artists! Submit your work to the VP Lineart Imagebase!