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Something needs done with fame points..

edited March 2005 in Game Suggestions
Some people (who will remain nameless unless they jump into this post and make themselves known then it's not my problem) have TONS of fame points and are using them to juice their dogs up way higher than can be attained by normal means, which means these dogs are winning every event just like when the super dogs were being trained. <br><br>I've been trying to make no super dog events to combat this but I really don't think it's fair to be able to juice certain stats that are needed for certain events just higher than everyone else to make sure you win all the time. If it was just one event type they were doing maybe it wouldn't be such a problem but they're attempting to do it in all event types, and therefore winning nearly every event they enter and the rest of us don't have a chance now that we can't 'train' super dogs. <br><br>I think it's time to look at fame points again because this is REALLY becoming a problem. Either make it so they can't be 'juiced' with fame points up to 180-200, or make it easier to train dogs that high so we can compete with it. Because let's face it we can't even get our own fame points if these people keep winning everything and using those points to make their dogs higher....


  • Actually, its harder than you think to get the fame points; I pretty sure that the winning people with 200 skilled dogs are people with training sponsor account and the patience to train their dog that high. I myself have just lately juiced my fox terrier's hyperness up to 195, and I must have used up to 20,000 fame points (I'm completely empty of fame points right now, but I'm trying to improve the breed). The only way to get fame points is by having your dog win competitions and to create a lot of events, and even then, I think most you can get on each one is 4 fame points per win and per event. I have to wait until my events have 25+ competants before I can run them so that I can get the 4 fame points, and that takes days.<br><br>So maybe instead of being unable to juice up the dog's stats with fame points, perhaps Nef could put up an option so that we can buy fame points like we would buy 2,000,000 on VHR? It wouldn't cost too much, and Nef would be rich :P
  • Im more concerned about where all my Fame points have gone, I was the leader on the fame points board having approx 4000pts more than magnoona, and this is the second time they have just vanished, first time Nef fixed it for me and gave me them back this time however I have emailed her twice and left 2/3 posts about it on here, and I have had no replies from her what so ever....
    Dont push me I bite!!!!!
    Jealousy is a bitter pill!!!!!
    Those with the most faults are the most critical of others!!!!!
  • A lot of dogs are being born with 100+ stats now, so yeah you can juice them up pretty high by the time they are 8 or 9 even without fame points. <br><br>But if you take the time to enter events and get the points you can do with them what you want. It's not like they magically appear for doing nothing.
  • Hmm well it's just amazing how some people always manage to 'up' their dogs just over the competition every time they lose one event. I've seen it happen several times.<br><br>I've tried to 'train' dogs that high...and if they were TRAINED that high they wouldn't have 176 speed and 100 in all other stats and they wouldn't be under 2 years old...unless of course people are breeding them with 150 in those stats already (I don't see that happening but alright maybe it's possible)..all the stats would be higher (or at least whatever ups with speed when you train it). <br><br>I don't know, seems really fishy to me that dogs only have two really high stats..the ones they need to win the event...and they manage to go HIGHER any time anyone gets near their level...always staying just above the competition so they win every time. It hasn't just happened once or twice it happens any time anyone gets a dog close to what their level is.<br><br>Edited to add: I'm not talking about the dogs with all 200 stats. Those WERE trained and it took a long time and a lot of work to get there I should know I own one and it took me 7 hours straight to train him that high before the fixes. I'm talking the ones with 190 in one or two stats that they NEED to win the events, and nothing else upped anywhere near that high, who also mysteriously get those stats raised any time anyone gets close to what they're at, and these dogs are YOUNG (2-3 years old) there's no way they were TRAINED that high. If you condition a dog all stats go up, if you find what ups certain stats, it doesn't just up two stats perfectly, the ones you need for events. <br><br>I'm saying this isn't fair because now fame super dogs are winning and we can no longer TRAIN super dogs to compete with them, because the fame dogs are only 2 years old, and conditioned super dogs end up almost dead (or 8-9 years old depending on breed) by the time they get anywhere near that high.<br><br>And yes, it is hard to get fame points, but some people had them stockpiled from before...those are the ones abusing this.
  • Ohhh now you explained I get a little bit more what you're saying. <br><br>Yeah that is kind of a bummer. Maybe code it so you can only use so many fame points on a dog per year of it's life?<br>That way you can still juice it up, just a bit more gradually.
  • I second Sables idea! thats one of the better ones for a long time on this forum :D
  • Ditto. That sounds great. It would be a lot smoother that way.
  • I agree....making people age the dog to add fame points would make it more fair. lol otherwise our trained dogs get one year of show time and these juiced up suckers get their entire life to stomp competition.
  • edited March 2005
    They should have to age, but I think more like 1 (per stat) every 4 turns would be more like it, it's about what training gets you in some. Endurance, strength and speed could be even more turns between points's takes forever to add to them training.
  • Personally, i think using fame points to improve your dog should be taken away from vp. It has caused nothing but problems in the past.exapmple= after crash when nef gave out a lot of fame points. Everyone fushed then.<br><br>And then "super dogs"came along and now you cant raise anything. <br><br> and now it is being a problem again! so nef this is what i say<br><br><br>JUST GET RID OF BEING ABLE TO IMPROVE DOGS WITH FAME POINTS<br><br><br><br>*nef this si not intended to be rude at all. i know how hard it is to run this game :lol: :lol:
    Never Under Estimate the Powers of a Loser
    Breedin' The Best Vizslas on VP
  • I don't want to see fame point juicing up dogs gone. I like it. So I gotta disagree with you Loser. <br>Just because some people might abuse it doesn't mean we should all loose it.<br><br><br>At least until Nef gives us something else to spend them on if nothing else.
  • yeah, as a novice fame points are the only way (other than spending big bucks for sponsers) to get my dogs some attention in the breeding area
  • mabye nef put a limit on how much you can"juice up you dog"?
    Never Under Estimate the Powers of a Loser
    Breedin' The Best Vizslas on VP
  • Yeah, to 200, but you can't train over 200 even with a sponsor training account anyway.
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