Hello and welcome to VP! I love your picture and if you decide to sell any, I think you will do well. Infact, if you do starts commissions I have some dogs that need pictures.
Hello and welcome to VP! I love your picture and if you decide to sell any, I think you will do well. Infact, if you do starts commissions I have some dogs that need pictures.
<br><br>Thanks I'll have to open a commission thread or something once i organize pricing <br>On that note what do you think they are worth? lol
As far pricing - sorry but I am not the person to ask. I have seen some very low prices and then also very high prices. Maybe someone else will read this and can give you a better answer.<br><br>I love your pug picture. The only thing I would change is the size. I like smaller pictures on my dogs - easier to still train dogs when they have smaller pics.<br><br>I am very interested in your work though. LOL my problem is that I have so many dogs that need pics but I don't like to take the time to fill out forms of what I want. :roll:
Thanks for the comments guys <br><br>Thanks for the advice Nacie. Yeah i'll make sure i make them a bit smaller. Lol yeah filling out forms are time consuming <br><br>Thanks .clozobozo., i might do an auction
Training Boarding
And i belive that half the time i am a wolf amoung the sheep gnawing at the wool over my eyes