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C'mon stop being stereotypical -__-

edited March 2013 in Vent
Today we found the most beautiful pit i've personally seen, she is a total sweet heart. But we couldn't keep her, and even when i metioned the thought of keeping her, my moms bfs first words were i dont want a pit bull around here. Its like really just because the owners give the dogs a bad rep doesn't mean that they are bad dogs. I hate that they are so stereotypical about it. My mom agreed with him on the whole not wanting a pit, but we also couldn't keep her cause rosie our other dog does not like new dogs, and it would be problems, my mom said if we didn't have rosie we would probably try to keep her. But she has mange, so shes at the animal shelter now, she will be looked at on monday and it will be decided from there what they do with her. Shes a total sweetie. I fell in love the minute i seen her. Im sure other people will too. <br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" />
My real life horse! (:


  • Truthfully i see a reason to be a bit woried about pits in general. Or at least ones with unknown backgrounds. Its not that i believe the breed is agressive. The best dog our family has ever owned was a pit we hand raised but the fact still is that pits are the MOST COMMON type of fighting dog used. This dog has a higher chance of being used in a fighting ring than most other strays sadly. You dont know if she's agressive towards other dogs from such a past. Yes i do blame the owners of fighting dogs for the fear people know in pits, but that doesnt stop a fighting TRAINED dog from being agressive.
  • She is a stunning animal. Sadly, she'll probably be put down (unless your local shelter is a no kill?). APBTs and most other "bully" breeds don't tend to last long in the majority of shelters.
  • An APBT/mix can be dog aggressive regardless of training. It has almost everything to do with genetics. <br><br>I'm glad you all took her to the shelter even if you couldn't keep her. At least she's safe now. That's better than starving to death on the streets or getting hit by a car. She is a pretty girl too, that's for sure.
  • An APBT/mix can be dog aggressive regardless of training. It has almost everything to do with genetics. <br><br>I'm glad you all took her to the shelter even if you couldn't keep her. At least she's safe now. That's better than starving to death on the streets or getting hit by a car. She is a pretty girl too, that's for sure.
    <br><br>If I came off wrong, I wasn't trying to say "oh no, you took her to the shelter, that's bad!" it was definitely the right thing to do if there's no possibility of keeping the animal/rehoming yourself/finding a breed specific rescue. It was more just a general comment on the fact that many shelters seem to have a prejudice against certain breeds, which i find to be completely unacceptable. <br><br>As for the aggression thing, that goes for any breed, tbh. More so for APBTs due to past(and sadly current) breeding, but still. XD
  • No, it wasn't directed to anyone but the OP. I was just saying I'd rather the dog be in the shelter (even if she ends up euthanized humanely and quickly) than dying on the streets. There are far worse things than a quick death.
  • Yeah, she seemed sweet to people and she was, we are guessing shes about a year, I have had people tell me the shelter she is as is a no kill and that might be true because they have had many bullys in their shelt for a while. Hopefully the mange she had wasn't too bad and can be treated if not, i agree that the best thing is to be put to sleep.
    My real life horse! (:
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