My mother and her significant other of six years decided to break up two weeks ago. She wants him to keep everything, she doesn't care about the possessions. The only thing she really wants is her dogs. Loki and Cassie. The problem is he refuses to share them with her (joint custody), and he refuses to let her see them at all. The last thing he told her was to say goodbye to the dogs, because she would never see them again. My mother doesn't know what to do, and because I've never been in this situation before, neither do I. They both got the dogs together, <span style="text-decoration:underline">he paid for Cassie <span style="font-style:italic">as a gift to my mother</span></span>, and because Cassie got sick they got Loki <span style="font-style:italic">for free</span>. However, <span style="font-weight:bold">both</span> of the dogs are under <span style="font-weight:bold">my mom's</span> name. The real problem is that he's incapable of taking care of the dogs properly. Every time I've checked on them they've had no food or water, or their bowls were absolutely disgusting and too filthy to drink out of. He doesn't know their feeding schedule and wouldn't keep up with it even if he did. He NEVER takes them for walks or exercises them like she did and he doesn't understand dogs well enough to know when one of them are sick and needs attention. They both have <span style="font-weight:bold">a lot</span> of health problems which my mother (as a vet) has been diagnosing and taking care of for the past six years. They've only been surviving because of HER. Yes, he's paid for the medication bills because she asked him to help, otherwise he would've just let the dogs die, and he has threatened to let them die or to put them to sleep numerous times. He doesn't have ANY time to devote to the dogs because of his constant work schedule. They're alone at the house for more then 15+ hours very often and he's been living with them in their filth because he refuses to clean it. My mother was always the one cleaning up, and now that she isn't there it's a disaster. There's urine and feces all over the dining room floor because once he gets home from work he falls asleep and never lets them out to use the bathroom. The place is a pig sty. The whole point is that the dogs would be better off with my mother. They are even more attached to her and have been showing signs of distress because she isn't there with them. They aren't happy with him and he's only keeping them to hurt my mom. <span style="font-weight:bold">I can provide proof of all of these claims</span>. Is there anything we can do, legally, to make him give the dogs back? Joint custody is not an option, my mother wants full custody and her ex will not cooperate with 'sharing' the dogs. We want to know if she can take the dogs, or stop him from keeping them from her. Does she have any rights in this situation? Can she do anything to get full custody?

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Training Boarding