I love dog shows, and have been studying breed standards in particular for a while. So I came up with this cool idea. This is how it works: Post pictures of random dogs (same or different breeds). Then, pick a breed standard to judge by. Here, to make it easier, here's a form.<br>Pics:<br>Video: (If you have the dog gaiting, or doing something that will help the "judge" decide)<br>Standard:<br>Type of contest: (like best of breed, show, group, anything you want)<br>Level of difficulty: (Between 1-5)<br><br>Form for members replying to the "contest"<br>My placings:<br>Why I placed the dogs this way:<br>Things I look for most in a dog: (I'm not talking about personalitu, it's about breed standard. For example, in American Eskimo Dogs, I once had a judge that was huge on ears)<br><br>When the "contest" is over, the member who posted the pictures will use this form<br>My placings:<br>Why I placed the dogs this way:<br>The dogs I posted: (Name the source, show name, or call name. Please use show names if they have one.)<br>Prize: (If the person had placed the dogs the exact same way you did, or has really good reasons for their placings, you can offer a prize.)<br><br>Note: I know that you can't go over this dog like you can in person. But I have tried my best to make the forms as accurate as possible. I will take suggestions. I will post the first contest.