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Who would be leaving VP when...

When they make the beta, into the actual game? I know when that happens i'll probably be moving on sadly. I've tried it and dislike it with a passion. Would I be the only one leaving? Am I the only one who dislikes it?
Old people at weddings poke me and say i'm next. I poke old people at funerals and say you're next.


  • Its only a Beta and I believe betas always change and need things changing, as they are use for finding bugs and such.. I'm gonna keep playing even than tbh, becuase VP needs people to keep running and its a waste to lose all the cash I'v spent on the game for it to just die.
    656 Gifties
  • I too will keep playing. Actually I am kinda looking forward to the merge and the new changes! I am a little worried about losing dogs, fame or money during the actual merge but hopefully that will not happen. I am hoping we will get a date from support before the actual event so I can do screen prints of my kennels just to make sure all is well. I do them now but things change everytime I log in and it seems obsessive to do a screen print every day!!!
  • We've been told lots that the visual and layout etc will not be as it is now. So it may look similar to how it is now. Other than that the general game play on there has not changed - if anything it should have been improved. Like training now gives you increases in the right areas. Shows I believe will be fixed. <br><br>Only real difference is the single sign on. <br><br>I am dubious, but at the same time I don't think I could truly leave just yet as it is a game I pick up again without problems.
    ^ Click for comics
  • I just came back, and renewed my sponsor account, after being gone about 3 years. Sadly, I already lost all my dogs, so had to start over. Hopefully, it will be a great new beginning.
  • Well the training and breeding bonuses work now unlike before, so you should be able to work on new lines a little easier now =D<br><br>But welcome back!
    ^ Click for comics
  • Guys please don't judge Beta until it's FINISHED :P That's like judging a book that's only partially written :P
  • PaperWings wrote:
    Well the training and breeding bonuses work now unlike before, so you should be able to work on new lines a little easier now =D<br><br>But welcome back!
    <br>Thank you :)
  • Oriyana wrote:
    Guys please don't judge Beta until it's FINISHED :P That's like judging a book that's only partially written :P
    <br>My thoughts exactly! We cannot emphasize enough that beta is a BETA. It is not remotely a finished product.
  • Actually, I plan to come back when Beta is added in ;D
  • I'm excited for the beta, I have been looking around it today and i have to say it has developed a lot since i first saw it
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • I was looking at Beta today, too and it looked a lot better! Not quite as confusing as it was, easier to navigate. I was seriously considering leaving if it was going to look the way it did in the beginning, but it has come a long way and they're not even finished. So, I'm definitely going into the merge with an open mind.
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