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Nourvous-ness D:

edited August 2012 in Vent
So i have a horse show, the 4th..Staurday. I havent been riding alot. Because my mare did get bred and i needed to make she she was for sure bred, well we just did english work since shes fine with western and everything. But im getting nervous with english now because its my first year and im not entierly sure how to do English halter or anything. But were gonna try. But my biggest thing is, shes out of shape. She gets tired so much faster. And im just hoping and praying she wont get super tired at the show. Just a small thing. I'll post in the Pet & Animal section with how we did. And pictures more than likely. If my mom takes some this year -_-
My real life horse! (:


  • Aw im sure you will do great! Pumpkin used to be really out of shape but when we would go to a show he would know and would behave. xD good luck! <3
  • There is no difference in english halter besides attire. I looked into it when i showed my thoroughbred but i decided to show her in western halter instead since it was an open class and i didnt wanna buy a bunch of english attire to wear once. Also dont be worried to ride her. Its actually more healthy for pregnant mares to be ridden rather than not. Good luck at your show.
  • Good luck! If you want you can PM me because I have showing engilsh for more then 10 years
  • Thanks Vampy i didnt know that it is good for them to be road. I heard you cant work them very hard so it worried me.
    My real life horse! (:
  • Missy don't worry about it. :) she should be fine until she's into the 3rd trimester, which is usually 5 or so months into the pregnancy. I rode my old pony until she was five months in. :)
  • Thanks pumpkin I'll be done riding by then more than likely lol. Till she has her foal.
    My real life horse! (:
  • My best friends show mare rides and competes until she's nine months along. Ro's mom was never ridden regularly so i stayed off of her but if i ever breed my AQHA i doubt id stop riding her until she became uncomfortable.
  • Yeah, I only ride raven, so i'd keep riding her but not like heavily just relaxing trail rides and fun shows.
    My real life horse! (:
  • Are Rocky Moutain Horses gaited?
  • Yeah they are. And there really nice to ride.
    My real life horse! (:
  • Raven has a TWH build. Especially being camped out. I have a bunch of half gaited horses but none of them gait, they just all have very soft movements to ride.
  • yeah she does, But in the same way she doesnt, Our walker doesnt really look like her. Raven is a Kentucky Mountain. There like a tinyer version of Rocky Mountains.
    My real life horse! (:
  • O-o how big is she?
  • Shes 14.1 14.2 our rocky mare is about 15hh. <br><br>And in my show my mom thinks i shouldnt do speed classes because it could hurt her, what do you think, like would you do speed? Cause usually thats what me and her do is the pleasure classes and halter and speed
    My real life horse! (:
  • Shed be perfectly fine with speed classes. Like i told Tiny yesterday, anything you do with her while she's not pregnant she will be fine with doing for the first two trimesters of her pregnancy. Theres next to nothing you could do to make her lose that baby until its a LOT older and if she DOES abort i highly doubt itll be because she was ridden. <br><br>Heres a good link.<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;
  • Thanks :D
    My real life horse! (:
  • One more thing. <br><br>My mom says your supposed to wait 40 days before you ride them hard and do speed events and everything?
    My real life horse! (:
  • I showed my mare right after i had her bred. Reining patterns are pretty close to speed events when you show in it. My vet cleared my mare for that, even though she ended up not taking. He never said anything about waiting 40 days
  • Okay.
    My real life horse! (:
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