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Dog pic contest!winners announced!

DOG PIC PART<br>I need a dog pic for training<br>Text I was trained by Emster**<br>Sub Training Only the Finest Dogs on VP!<br>The rest u can choose <br>But pics dogs doing agility and tricks<br><br><br>PRIZES <br>1st place 550k 4free skill stat maxes w/o aggro a 10x4 huskie from inter parents and 4unnamed puppies ur choice plus a surprise<br><br>2nd place 350k 3skill stat maxes w/o aggro a 4unnamed puppies ur choice and 9x4timber or Arabian wolf and high novice dog plus a surprise <br><br>3rd place 250k 1skill stat max w/o aggro 4 unnamed puppies high novice 9x4 timber or Arabian wolf plus a surprise<br><br><br><br><span style="font-size:150"><span style="color:#FF00FF">WINNERS!</span></span> pm me to claim ur prizes<br>1st place soccerchick1015<br>2nd place para<br>3rd place cherokeezbaby<br> <br>they were all so good:)<br>if u did not win 1-3 send -25k to emster** :mrgreen:

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