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Banner Contest! 5 mill In Prizes! OVER

So I'm looking for a banner, but nobody is really open! So, here we go. <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Specifics</span><br>Text: Pure Intelligence. Pure Endurance. Pure Speed.<br>Sub-Text: Pure GSK.<br>Pictures: German shepherds running, standing or jumping<br>Background: Dark, misty forest<br>Theme: Mistic, proud<br>Colors: Dark red, dark green<br>Other: I'd like the subtext to be bigger and bolder than the main text.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Rules</span> <br>- Limit 3 entries per person<br>- Size may be any size as long as it can be used on the forums<br>- Be a good sport<br>- Be creative! You don't need to follow my specifics exactly<br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Prizes</span><br>1st: 4 mill<br>2nd: 600k<br>3rd: 400k


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