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Naming Contest - Winners Posted

Right here's the thing, recently we've all been saying how newcomers don't really stay, so to help us get more players around, sticking around, I want to create a club. It's not just for newbies... anyone who needs help can come to us. But we need a name. Currently it is only me running this however I want as much of the community to join as possible giving whatever they can. <br><br>So I need a name for my new "club" more details of this will be posted once we have a name. Anyone who wants to know more don't be afraid to PM me. Currently my slogan is "Help for everyone" simple but gets to the point, but if anyone has a better idea post it up.<br><br>So all you have to do is post a name that suggests that Old, Current & New VPians may get help and advice.<br><br>So the bit you've all been waiting for: <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Prizes</span><br>1st - 3mil & 5 free skill & stat max w/ or w/o aggro - Para (Game Changers)<br>2nd - 1mil & 3 free skill & stat max w/o aggro - Zenyatta (VPs Helping Hands)<br>3rd - 1mil - Luckychick (Helping Paws)<br><br>As I had a very hard time deciding names as there was sooo many good ones that I liked, everyone else send neggy 100K for taking part<br><br>All money contracts to <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">~Dark Flame~</a><br>All training contracts to <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Sole Survivors</a>
Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt


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