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Melting D:

Who said England was allowed to be hot again? D: This weather is cooking me alive XD Bring back the raaain! Or snow =o<br><br>I am going to totally die when I got to Florida in September... As this heat is classed as the "low" temperature of the day :|<br><br>This being about 23-25c (77f)
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  • It was 106 today. -__- I WISH the 70 weather would come back!! Today I fried. -_0 The dogs can now only be walked at 4:00 in the morning or close to twelve at night because its around 85 degrees at those times. <br><br>-dies-
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • Paper snow would be great or rain... i can deal with rain :) ive stayed indoors with windows open i dont trust going outside.. i might just die (from the heat)
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • <span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000FF">Righty now it's 104 F.. It's suppose to get to 108 today. XD<br>Paper I'll swap you!</span></span>
  • I dunno how people can survive in hotter weather than this xD<br><br>Although this heat is the thick air type heat, if there were a cool breeze this weather would be nice! But there has been a haze all week making it horrible! Or being at a swimming pool would make it good XD But I can't have a paddling pool as there is a hose pipe ban and I aint running back and forth with buckets XD<br><br>I am sat with close to every window open in this house (is a very small house) and the back door wide open xD
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  • Don't know if we have a hosepipe ban up here... since i barely find out about anything lol... and most people have managed to get themselves sun burned already... tut tut clearly people forget a little thing called sun cream up here
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • 77is ur high our high is 100+ our low is 40F no snow though i wish!

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  • over here it is VERY humid all the time, whenever we get heat it just feels hot and like you could die in it... even though its not that hot... but on holiday i can cope fine as long as theres no humidity. At the moment where i live now its 12C (54F) with 94% Humidity according to google.
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • we have a very dry heat here... 110 today! Me and my best friend too our horses out to the pond in swim suits yesterday riding bareback. No carrying buckets for us!!
  • Nice pond and its horrible heat here... we have a river/reserviour near my house but not exactly swimming water... and a canal but id be scared to drown in it cause people dump their rubbish in it
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • we also have a lake near my house that we go kyaking in. Theres a bald eagle out there too! It has a nest!! Were very.. outdoorsie... xD
  • i dont think we have them in my area... we have owls... and stuff... badgers (though ive never seen one), foxes and Urban Foxes (they are foxes that wander round cities, i saw one of them). and other random creatures... we have a nice park near fiances house and a wildlife reserve (where our river thing is) near mine
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • we have fox! And wolves, hogs, deer, wild rabbits, coyotes, racoons, armadillos, possums, and the odd bobcat.... had one in my front yard once. Ive actually seem all of those... O-o
  • I really feel like melting right now too. Stupid English weather! One week it rains every single day... and the next we are melting ;( I have always prefered the cold to the heat. I die in the heat! And my poor plants are dieing too :( Theres a Hosepipe ban here too. I think the teachers tease us really. They sit at there desks with this masive fan blowing into their faces, while we melt in our seats. I wish England would make up it's mind on what weather it has :lol:
  • I really feel like melting right now too. Stupid English weather! One week it rains every single day... and the next we are melting ;( I have always prefered the cold to the heat. I die in the heat! And my poor plants are dieing too :( Theres a Hosepipe ban here too. I think the teachers tease us really. They sit at there desks with this masive fan blowing into their faces, while we melt in our seats. I wish England would make up it's mind on what weather it has :lol:
  • xD sounds like my state collie! Literally one day it snowed and the next i was outside in a tshirt! LITERALLY!!
  • The whole world is being bipolar when it comes to weather, I think. Just yesterday it reached 100 by <span style="font-weight:bold">nine in the morning.</span> Today, 78 degrees- <span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-weight:bold">in the afternoon</span></span>. -__-
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • xD weather was good today! I was actually able to FINALLY get Roman loading again. Lets just hope he remembers this time. My mom took him ONE TIME without me and it took me MONTHS to get him loading good again.
  • Gunna be hot all weekend apparently, but with some winds so hopefully it will take the edge of the heat =D
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  • I guess I'm the weird one... I love the two extremes, hot or cold. I hate the in between weather and we completely skipped spring here. o.o <br><br>It's been hitting 25-30c every day this week. I love it! <br><br>I think the only one who does hate this weather is Clover, she will literally not walk in the sun and I have to drag her through it to the next shady spot. Though we have her doggy swimming pool set up. xD
  • If you're coming here to Florida, bring like, ice to put on you. you -will- melt. Especially in September. xD Sometimes I wish it snowed all year. xD
  • 25c again today D: And I braved it to walk to the centre so I could buy sun lotion and new funky nail varnish.<br><br>But now that I am home, having sat in my dad's garden for a bit whilst he fixed my bf's bike, I am now sooo tired and could so easily fall asleep >.><br><br>The resort I plan to stay at in Florida has lots of swimming pools, so I plan to be living in one of them to stay cool XD
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  • Its still extremely hot so we have decided to take a trip to the seaside today... YAY! got to get there yet and get ready and will take like 1hour to get there according to the train timetable :D
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • I think our nearest beach is either Southend or Norfolk. :/ both of which are miles away! The main crappy thing about living in land >.< Think it is about 2hrs to either of them D: And I've no one to go with anyway xD
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  • We live a little inland... like 1hour from a few seaside areas, though and 2hours to wales :)
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • In the summer, when I was younger we used to go Bournemouth beach whilst camping in the New Forest. That was awesome XD
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  • -Uhg- I'll join the other Brits in moaning about the heat. I prefer it to the storms we had a few weeks back.. But it's so horribly hot. We don't have a freezer, so there's no ice, and I can't have the hosepipe on because of the ban xD What I hate is how hot it is even inside - opening the windows doesn't help even in the slightest.<br><br>I'm in the midst of exams at the moment, and the school always has a problem with the heating being on when it shouldn't and off when it should be on xD The hall is in the old part of it, so it's heating is stuck on constant. It was boiling in there before this head started, so it'll be absolutely horrible now. I'm nowhere near the doors either, so I won't feel a breeze if there is one.<br><br>It's about a 40min drive to the south coast from here, but it's always packed on days like this, so I'm happier in the garden.. Getting burnt :S

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  • Yeah, beaches are bound to be packed xD The lakes and parks around here a full of people out with their kids. Not fun, as the dog will try eat everyone's footballs >.> He did that once before, was rather embarassing xD<br><br>Got all our windows, plus back door, open and it didn't really help XD I get headaches if I am in the sun too long, so I am avoiding sitting out in the garden. Dog is still too busy chasing flies,
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  • I understand what you are talking about PaperWings. I am visiting my father in the United States and Kentucky is hot hot hot! I find myself laying in the floor often just to cool myself off, and to add to it his AC is broken (he lives in a 100 year old house and things brake often), so now we are having to special order the part to fix it because it is not made in stores anymore. It will be a minimum of two weeks before it arrives.
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  • It's hotter then Mordor in my room ._. I hate the hot and the cold, fall.... Fall is perfect. I want to live in never ending fall.
  • Lots cooler today now we've got clouds! With the chance of rain! Yay! also chances of thunderstorms not that they are ever any good here. Normally get like one clap of thunder then it is over which sucks
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