I have come and I have gone, and I'm not sure if I'll be staying. But it's something about VP that inspires me artistically. I have actually been in the hospital, and during the past couple have years have gone through a lot. I changed accounts because honestly, I don't feel like the same person at all.<br><br>But you probably knew me as <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-style:italic">Chibi Werewolf</span></span><br>I came back for the wonderful community and art. All my gifties are gone *sob* but I have four personal breeds? odd, but better than nothing. I am still friendly that hasn't changed. But other than that pretty much everything has. I guess the biggest changes are I have <a href="
http://i39.tinypic.com/2060eoj.jpg" target="_blank" class="bb-url">9/16 stretched ear lobes</a>, I've been in a relationship with the most perfect, gorgeous boy in the world for about 3 months, and my artistic skills have improved.<br><br>I have been through some traumatic stuff, but I'm trying to get back to art.<br><br>So...commissions are kinda open. For examples, click my fursy in my signature. ♥<br><br>nice to see vp again.
click Nosferatu for my deviantart~!
I'm a scary gargoyle, on a tower. That you built with plastic power.
Your rhinestone eyes, are like factories far away.
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
click Nosferatu for my deviantart~!
I'm a scary gargoyle, on a tower. That you built with plastic power.
Your rhinestone eyes, are like factories far away.
click Nosferatu for my deviantart~!
I'm a scary gargoyle, on a tower. That you built with plastic power.
Your rhinestone eyes, are like factories far away.
10.31.10 ❤</span></div>
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
click Nosferatu for my deviantart~!
I'm a scary gargoyle, on a tower. That you built with plastic power.
Your rhinestone eyes, are like factories far away.
click Nosferatu for my deviantart~!
I'm a scary gargoyle, on a tower. That you built with plastic power.
Your rhinestone eyes, are like factories far away.
click Nosferatu for my deviantart~!
I'm a scary gargoyle, on a tower. That you built with plastic power.
Your rhinestone eyes, are like factories far away.
click Nosferatu for my deviantart~!
I'm a scary gargoyle, on a tower. That you built with plastic power.
Your rhinestone eyes, are like factories far away.
click Nosferatu for my deviantart~!
I'm a scary gargoyle, on a tower. That you built with plastic power.
Your rhinestone eyes, are like factories far away.