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I know it's different, but seriously how rude can you get?

edited April 2012 in Vent
For anyone who's seen stretched ear lobes, or the slang they're commonly called: gauges, knows they're an attention getter. Most either love'em or hate'em, but like anything else in life that someone chooses to do, it's that person's choice. Some people can really be so disrespectful of it though.<br><br>I have a friend and a little while after I posted <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">what my ears look like</a> he would not stop commenting "ew ew ew, that's weird. that's gross. ew ew ew ew." <br><br>I can completely understand not liking them, hey they're not for everyone, but I feel like with stretched ears it somehow gives people this obnoxious idea that they think they can openly tell you how terrible and disgusting they are. Most things in life It's not appropriate to say things like that to people. but there's something about this particular body modification that makes every dult open their mouth.<br><br>I feel like it's contagious. :Y
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I'm a scary gargoyle, on a tower. That you built with plastic power.
Your rhinestone eyes, are like factories far away.


  • Personally I am not a fan of streched ears though it does suit some people. But I understand your frustration with some poeple. There is no need for people to say 'Ew' for some people yes it is wierd or gross to see but they don't need to openly voice their opinion to you. It's not like it changes you as a person and appearances aren't everything. And Hey as long as you like them who am I or anyone else to judge?<br><br>And I agree personally I would find that very rude and offensive.
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • Personally I am not a fan of streched ears though it does suit some people. But I understand your frustration with some poeple. There is no need for people to say 'Ew' for some people yes it is wierd or gross to see but they don't need to openly voice their opinion to you. It's not like it changes you as a person and appearances aren't everything. And Hey as long as you like them who am I or anyone else to judge?<br><br>And I agree personally I would find that very rude and offensive.
    <br><br>You completely understand! c: I know and respect they're not everybody's cup'o tea, but all I ask is common curtsy. It turned out alright though because my boyfriend ended up seeing him keep commenting "ew ew ew" and scared him into stopping. XD It didn't upset me as much as it annoyed me. I'm glad you see where I'm coming from!
    click Nosferatu for my deviantart~!
    I'm a scary gargoyle, on a tower. That you built with plastic power.
    Your rhinestone eyes, are like factories far away.
  • My family and other people from work/school have made similar comments on my lip piercing. Have had it pierced for about 8yrs or so now, so feels a part of me to the point I feel "naked" without it in xD<br><br>I tend to play about with it a bit, tugging and chewing at it with my teeth without being totally aware of what I am doing. And people have maked remarks of "oh how gross, does it hurt?!" "why did you get that disgusting thing?" "it isn't very attractive"... And they go on and on then just stare at it. Very annoying. Since firstly, if it hurt (especially after 8yrs) I would definately not have it in let alone be chewing on it. And it isn't like I go around shoving my lip in people's face. I wear small bars or a small horseshoe ring. <br><br>I don't mind being questioned by those generally curious, but those that just stand there as if I have maggots on my face just make me want to slap them.
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  • PaperWings wrote:
    My family and other people from work/school have made similar comments on my lip piercing. Have had it pierced for about 8yrs or so now, so feels a part of me to the point I feel "naked" without it in xD<br><br>I tend to play about with it a bit, tugging and chewing at it with my teeth without being totally aware of what I am doing. And people have maked remarks of "oh how gross, does it hurt?!" "why did you get that disgusting thing?" "it isn't very attractive"... And they go on and on then just stare at it. Very annoying. Since firstly, if it hurt (especially after 8yrs) I would definately not have it in let alone be chewing on it. And it isn't like I go around shoving my lip in people's face. I wear small bars or a small horseshoe ring. <br><br>I don't mind being questioned by those generally curious, but those that just stand there as if I have maggots on my face just make me want to slap them.
    <br><br>Yes! Exactly! ^^ I'm more than enthused by curious people, I actually think it's funny to see them make faces and if they're brave enough touch them or something. But when people say such rude thing, especially when they say "it's not attractive" It just reminds me of how I wasn't trying to be attractive to that person at all. I think piercings are beautiful body decoration, and it's weird to me when people don't like it. o,O I know having stretched ears can be somewhat hard to hide, especially at my size, but I too don't go around shoving them in people's faces. XD That's why it's all the more annoying when someone'll take precious time out of there day to tell you how terrible what you like looks. XD<br><br>As long as you love it, it shouldn't concern anybody. c:
    click Nosferatu for my deviantart~!
    I'm a scary gargoyle, on a tower. That you built with plastic power.
    Your rhinestone eyes, are like factories far away.
  • My mom is one of those people.  I had my ears stretched to like a size 6 gauge, and my mom hated it.  I ended up having to take them out when I did clinical rotations at a hospital for my CNA class, as we couldn't wear earrings and they shrunk back to their normal size.  I have lots of piercings, though and my mom hates every one of them.  I have my rook and my tragus pierced and my bellybutton (pretty much the only one she does like), and my nostril pierced.  People ask me why I want so many things pierced and I can't really explain it, but at least I'm not parading myself around with a million eyebrow piercings and my cheeks pierced an my face tattooed.  My piercings are modest, and I would never judge anyone covered in piercings or tattoos, because I love them, I just can't be covered in them because I am in nursing school.  Though I don't think I'd get outrageous tattoos or any more facial piercings anyway. xD
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • I'm totally for body mods, hubby wants a labret and to get his tongue bifurcated, and I want to eventually get a permanent corset piercing (if and when permanent ones are more successful) and a few transdermals. I'd love a split tongue, but I'm a bit afraid of having it done. We both want a few tattoos, as well. Personally, I don't understand why so many body modifications are considered taboo... I find them to be extremely interesting at the least, and quite beautiful at best. It's a personal choice, yes, but nobody has a right to insult what you do with your body unless it's hurting someone. I have to say I would have told said friend off, if they don't like it they just don't have to look. It's not like you glued their eyes open and said "loook, loook at my earrrrs!" XD The only problem I can see arising from it is having trouble acquiring certain positions in the business world, but there are some jobs where it shouldn't matter or could even be considered a plus.
  • THANK YOU! I don't have my ears gauged, but I have a tattoo and get these remarks constantly. By family, friends, random strangers. It is ridiculous. Especially when some of the people who have made comments are very unclean looking people. Ex of said person (He was a man, about 25, scraggly beard and mustache, hair in knots and everywhere, in clothes that looked like they hadn't been washed in days.) So anyway, guy described above walks up and touches my collarbone where my tattoo is and starts making remarks about how I "would be pretty without it" and "it just looks disgusting". Alright well first off, I don't care if you think I'm pretty or not. And second, if it's disgusting, don't look at it and Do.Not.Touch.Me. Sure, it's not something that everyone would want on their body. It's not obscene, vulgar or anything that should bother anyone in a public setting, so I don't see the issue. My mother makes the same remarks and talks about how I can't get a decent job with it. I'm sorry but any decent job will let you have covered tattoos and piercings. If they can't see it, they can't comment on it. A T-shirt covers it, so does anything that could possibly be "uniform" clothing for a job. Unless I'm wearing a strapless dress, tank top, or bathing suit, you can't see it. Next comment: What about when you get married and you have to wear a dress??? Everyone will see that ugly thing!! Alright, my husband will of course know it's there, my friends know it's there, my family knows its there. If they don't want to come to my wedding because of a tattoo, so be it. I probably don't want them there anyway. <br><br>Why does appearance matter so much to people who have no significance in your life? Point is, it's my life. I'm not criticizing other people and their features, (yes a body modification becomes one of your features.) so why do they feel the need to criticize me about mine? <br><br>I generally dislike people for this reason, among many others, but this is a big reason for my dislike of the human race. lol
  • I will never understand why people are so vocal with rude remarks. I was raised to not say anything if it wasn't nice. Especially about other peoples appearences. When I had my nose,eyebrow, and four extra holes in each ear pierced all I ever heard was "Ew. Why the "heck" did you have that done!? It's gross". I can't even repeat on here what my grandmother said when I got my first tattoo. Remarks like those used to really bother me, then I got to thinking "Hey, I didn't hurt anybody when I had these done, and they make me happy", so I basically just ignore any comments like those.<br><br>By the way, your ear stretching look quite awesome!
  • There's a fine line between being honest and just being plain rude.<br><br>It's okay to say, "I'm not fond of stretching ear lobes," if someone asks your preference. It's NOT okay to say, "I think stretched ear lobes are really disgusting and ugly," especially if your opinion is NOT asked for. Personally, I couldn't ever do it to my ears because they're so small and stretching the lobes would just direct more attention to how abnormally small they are. xD But if someone else has chosen to stretch their ear lobes, of course I'm not going to say "Ew."<br><br>The situation is the same with most piercings and some tattoos as well. My mother is very judgmental when it comes to tongue piercings, lip piercings, certain ear piercings, abnormally pierced places, large tattoos, etc. It's ridiculous. The reason it's so ridiculous is because they're "not acceptable" to her because SHE doesn't have them or SHE doesn't like them. They're not affecting her so why should she care? Also, tattoo-wise, if it's not an inappropriate and non-kid-friendly image in a very view able place, they shouldn't matter.<br><br>I really don't like when people mix up being honest an being plain rude. For example, I'm a super honest, straight-forward person. However, when I see/hear a comment like, "No offense, you're a really pretty person, but you look like a big glob of ugly in this photo," I'm amazed that the person who said it is surprised the receiving person is offended because they think they were "just being honest." More like just being plain rude and making remarks that aren't constructive criticism, but just uncalled for. <br><br>/end mini rant. sorry. xD
  • I love that comment Garfield so funny :) I'm definitely all for doing whatever you want to your body, since your life and it makes you happy. I actually used to be really judgemental about tattoos but now I'm getting married to a guy that has tattoos, he only has like 5 or 6 small ones on his arm, but still tattoos and he suits them, he got most of them done while he was with me, and he plans on getting more. Since then he's changed my mind completely on tattoos, I suppose its because here a lot of people have what I would define as 'ugly' (because all you can really see is black and white marks everywhere) tattoos all over their arms and chest (males usually). But some really really suit the person they are on and the person would not be the same without them. <br><br>One of my friends recently got snake bites (lip piercings) and I consider her too young to have got them, I don't actually know how she got them done without parents permission cause you have to be older than she was to get them done. But I don't mind them<br><br>And I seriously agree with all you who are saying about your appearance not mattering to random people in the street. And Dark Hawke that guy just sounds weird I would have walked away from him as fast as possible. He sounds like one of the homeless people I see on the way to uni. <br><br>At the end of the day I see it as, its my life, I will do what I want, if I want a tattoo I will get it, if I want a piercing I will get it. And everyone else will just have to deal with it. And I think everyone else should live by that :)
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • JUST YES, YES, YES!! <br><span style="font-size:200"> THANK YOU EVERYONE!!</span><br><br>It's just, I am in no way trying to be like "IF U DON'T LIKE BODTY MODS R PIERCINGS UR STOOPID!!!11!", in fact I can completely see what they may creep people out. Some of them look "painful" to people? I get asked all the time if my stretched lobes hurt. Some can come off as a bit scary, I completely get it! I just could never wrap my mind around how with other things it was bad to tell someone something on them was "ugly" or "disgusting," but somehow it's okay to so openly and rudely chastise what someone considers beautiful, or what makes them happy.<br><br>I don't think people intentionally mean to be so rude, when I've told nicely told people that calling my gauges "disgusting" wasn't exactly nice, they usually apologize and feverishly try explain themselves. I just tell'em I understand they're initial scare with the whole thing, and tell'em it's all good. It's just the people who say things like "WELL YOU DID THAT TO YOURSELF, SO YOU MUST NOT CARE IF PEOPLE TELL YOU HOW GROSS THEY ARE!" it's just like...well...that's partially true but you should still have the common curtsy to not be a total ass and blurt hurtful or rude things.<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-weight:bold">DarkHawke:</span></span>I can completely relate. Unless you're getting a bunch of plastic surgery, a simple body modification like a tattoo on your neck is not going to change how beautiful you are! Before I was in a relationship, I worried that boys would be put off by my earlobes and I'd be foreveralone. XD But I continued to stretch my ears, and now I'm in a relationship with a boy who thinks my ears are really awesome, and thinks I'm beautiful even when I'm sick and haven't taken care of myself in days (oh so attractive of me!) People who say that you're unattractive because of a body modification are just so mean, and rude to even say that. It hurts just as much as if someone where to blatantly tell you that you were hideous.<br><br>And I get so irritated when people say that I'll <span style="font-style:italic">never get a decent job</span>. What a silly, ignorant thing to say. I may not be able to join the army because of them, but as long as I don't work in a super strict office (which I never plan to!) and don't come in with every inch of my skin with a tattoo or piercing, I think I'll be able to get a job thank you. And as for a wedding, like I said, my boyfriend knows they're there and like you said so does my family. Pay no attention to people with points like that, they just have zero logic. -____- Thank you for your comment though, I can completely relate! 100%~! x3<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-weight:bold">Trianna:</span></span> for the sake of not rambling anymore, I'm just gonna say how much I adore you. And if you or your husband ever get a bifurcated tongue please send me some pictures! That has to be my FAVORITE body mod! <3 <3
    click Nosferatu for my deviantart~!
    I'm a scary gargoyle, on a tower. That you built with plastic power.
    Your rhinestone eyes, are like factories far away.
  • I'm in no way saying that people shouldn't do what they want to their own bodies, nor am I saying that it wasn't rude, because both are correct. However, I see both as being attention seeking and the bad thing about seeking attention, is that it draws the bad with the good and if you want attention, you sorta gotta expect both. The person saying "Ew, ew, ew" is probably seeking your attention as well to make a nuisance of themselves like that, too bad the attention they're getting is bad. If I were you, in the future, just ignore people who can't say something polite. Acknowledging them only gives them the attention they're seeking.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Alabama wrote:
    I'm in no way saying that people shouldn't do what they want to their own bodies, nor am I saying that it wasn't rude, because both are correct. However, I see both as being attention seeking and the bad thing about seeking attention, is that it draws the bad with the good and if you want attention, you sorta gotta expect both. The person saying "Ew, ew, ew" is probably seeking your attention as well to make a nuisance of themselves like that, too bad the attention they're getting is bad. If I were you, in the future, just ignore people who can't say something polite. Acknowledging them only gives them the attention they're seeking.
    <br><br>That makes a lot of sense. One thing of the many things I like about my ears as how they can provoke strong reactions, but the main reason I decided to do it was because I found it ascetically pleasing and really cool type of body decoration. I've learned that people are gonna react with not so nice reactions, that's on them and just shows kinda they're tact I suppose. I love when people's initial reaction is a grimace, then they ask all these questions, because they're so curious. XD That is my absolute favorite reaction<br><br>But, no I completely understand where you're coming from. I try not to give people who insist my modifications are horrible any sort of rise.
    click Nosferatu for my deviantart~!
    I'm a scary gargoyle, on a tower. That you built with plastic power.
    Your rhinestone eyes, are like factories far away.
  • I seriously don't even understand why people make fun of things like this. It is just the same as making fun of their clothes, or their hair color, because it would be making fun of what they like. I personally think tattoos and peircings are really cool, and I can't wait till I'm old enough to get a little heart on my foot. I also want one of those bars that go through the top part of your ear. Also, i'm dyeing my hair red. If someone makes fun of me for that, i'll just notice how irritiating they are. It wont be doing them good.xD<br><br>Making fun of they way someone is isn't right, and I think your stretched ear lobe looks really cool. :D it just shows how immature someone is if they make fun of something someone else likes, because they could just ignore it if it didn't suit their pleasure. I'm not even in high school yet, and I even know that. xD<br><br>Anyways I think that they look really cool. And also, we call my cat Chibi. xD
  • I had a teenager in Wal-Mart today come up looking at my tattoo. He loudly exclaimed, "That is so ugly, I can't believe you would get something like that on your body!" <br>My response was to look down and say, "OH MY GOSH!! WHAT IS THAT? HOW IN THE WORLD DID THAT GET THERE??? OMG, HE PUT SOMETHING ON MY CHEST!! I CAN'T GET IT OFF!! SOMEONE HELPPPPPP!" As I rubbed it, acting as though I was wiping it off.<br><br>He looked around embarrassed at my screaming in the middle of the store, and I said, "It's rather obnoxious when people try to make a scene and are disrespectful huh? Now enjoy the rest of your day and think before you speak. Kindness goes a long way kid." <br><br>He very quickly made his way out of the store, with everyone watching him lol.
  • OMG that is AWESOME! Thats just so funny, would have had me laughing so hard, if i wasnt so tired
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
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