Ok, well I fell down the stairs 3 weeks again. Hit nearly everysingle part of my body with it. I got bruises on my legs and arms straight away. Though I had a pain in my back (Tail bone) Just about the butt. There was nothing there until a day after. It had swollen up and I was in alot of pain. I didn't go to the doctors because we thought it might just be a bruise of some sort. So, I just carryed on and tryed to ignor the pain. Now, at 3 weeks later, the swelling is bigger and is still as painful. Very little improvment. It feels much better standing up and walking. But still hurts alot.. though I try not to say anything. But when I sit down (Especally on the ground) It REALLY hurts. It just, AAAAA, really, really painful. It doesn't help ever when we have assembly three times a week for half an hour. And we are sitting on the group too. I sit for a second andit starts hurting. -.- I looked on the internet (Ye, ye, I know I am not serposed to) But I just wanted to see if anyone else had the same problame. They don't. Nothing on there describes what I have. Nothing. It's not bruised or anything. Just a big, swellon patch on my tail bone. -.- I am not joking with the pain here. I have a high pain refreshold (Copes with pain) And, well, as the rumor goes, i'm ginger. (Rumor said gingers have a high pain refreshold) So, ye, I hate the doctors... but it does hurt so I don't know if I should go. Help?
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