I was thinking that we (who ever wants to) could post their stories for other people to read. (: I will be writing some on the trip to Pennsylvania so I'll post them whenever I get WiFi.
<span style="font-size:200"><span style="text-decoration:underline">Kenichi,the Quarter horse</span></span><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Once apon a time there was a beautiful Quarter Horse,named Kenichi. Kenichi was roaming the feilds when he spotted a shining,blue light lying on the green grass. Kenichi Creeped towards it,slowly stepping in the soft mud. he started digging and noticed some thing,he was in the middle of no where! he picked up the blue glass heart with his teeth and galloped towards a red barn. He saw another Quarter horse grazing the fields. they became quick friends. They found a shelter,that would soon take them in. the Woman with a strange thing inside her hand saidsomething about putting us to sleep soon. I didnt know what it meant,but i hoped it was something good. A western girl walked into the shelter looking for a job there. i think she left,but im not sure. To my surprise,she came back, but she was wearing a red shirt,with skinny jeans and brown boots. I knew we would be a pair together. Me and the western girl,and i think her name was casey,Rode around and around the track many times. One saturday morning,she was training me in barrelracing. She said i was extravegant,moving swiftly and gracefully,and i would do well in barrelracing. Saddly,she quit her job to go to some Company in New York. My friend i met long ago said she would be back and she was just on vacation. She came back and i gave her the blue heart i had found on the dirt A long time ago. She gasped in disbelif,staring and staring at me. I thougfht she was mad so i sprinted of to my stall. she ran chasing me and Catching her breath when she caught up to me. she told me the story of when her grandma gave it to her but she lost it when she was young. A tear slid down her cheek because her grandma passed a few days ago. That was the reason why she had left for New york. THe other horse lied to meabout hher quitting her job. Casey adopted Kenichi and they went to her house. IT was the red barn they had seen long ago! The old red barn! We got into a strange truck and then i did the barrelracing i had trained for a lttle while ago! My life was a breeze thruogh my older years,retired and munching on crushed corn. She became old and we often stroled aroud texas,And now,i am living with Casey,and 13 other horses. <br><br><br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">The end</span>
This one just sounds awesome in my head xD just read it with a male and female british accent and your good to go...<br><br>"What's your deal?" She asked with a smirk.<br><br>"What are you talking about?" He accused.<br><br>"You've been an ass to say the least."<br><br>"Goth Pixie learned to swear?" He said sarcastically<br><br>"Oh shut up, and tell me whats the problem?"<br><br>"Right now? You." He said venom in his tone.<br><br>"You refuse to talk to any of Sibuna, we're still you're friends Jerome."<br><br>"Forget it,he said shoving past her. She sighed before heading up the stairs to Nina and Ambers room where Sibuna had gathered.<br><br>"He's betrayed me for the last time."<br><br><br>And I chose this one because you don't have to watch the show to get it. It was written as part of a challenge I'm in pick a song and random and write a 100 word story or close to 100 this one is 101 I think I have another one thats 118... This one's exactly 100<br><br>"Have you ever been to Vegas?" I asked looking over at my girlfriend Nina.<br><br>"No why are you asking?"<br><br>"We watched 21 last night and the lights, and the parties, it seemed gorgeous."<br><br>"You also have to be 21 to do anything there."<br><br>"I would love to go walk the strip, and see everything."<br><br>"You're being oddly adventurous today."<br><br>"I had this dream last night, that you and I we drove out to see Vegas. We got lost in the bright lights, and it was just speechless, everything was so vivid."<br><br>"Well right now were in England, but maybe someday."
alright want to hear a book i made when i was 3??? because if you ever make it to the end you'll know why i want to grow up and become an author/illustraitor
alright want to hear a book i made when i was 3??? because if you ever make it to the end you'll know why i want to grow up and become an author/illustraitor
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