False. I generally hate pink all together, unless it's a really light pink.<br><br>TPBM wants to re-decorate their room, but they cant motivate themself
*gasp* CAMO! Ah sorry...I love camo,lol<br><br>Eh not really, though I am a little bored.<br><br>TPBM is sick of tv because there seems to never be anything on
I only watch Tv at night when ghost adventures come on and I get to see the hottie in it. xD<br><br>Tpbm knows how hotdogs are made and what's in them. *puke*.
I know that. Pandora is online RADIO. So I did make sense in my last post!<br>No I'm not, I already know what would be there.<br><br>Tpbm has a happy dance.
Yes, yes I am And I can't wait! CPE nationals is finally close enough!!<br><br>TPBM wants to put the salt and peeper on my desk away for me! Pretty please!
Yes, I have my aunt over.. I hate her. The first comment out of her mouth when she meet My puppy was "Wow, this one looks healthy". Her daughters are spoiled brats that have never even done the dishes, she constantly trys to get my dad in trouble, and is just one big attention hog. No wonder why Beamer hates her -.-<br><br><br>TPBM loves the color purple.
Nope. Listening to my huge dog (who is sleeping almost entirely on my head) growl and snore. xD Which can be just as comforting. Protective even in their sleep.<br><br>Tpbm disliked cats until they actually got to own one.
nope actually i love cats just i'm alergic so I CAN'T have one <br><br>TPBM has a dog and it's driving Him/Her insane right now <br>(the dogs next door to me are driving me insane I'll tell you that much XD)
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