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Roman!! 2 years! *HUGE UPDATE*



  • Campus, I still can't get over his tail. XD I can't believe it's almost been a year!
  • I know!! Im really considering if i need to throw him a birthday party ;D
  • You do need to. You have to. And, I'm invited.
  • Of course!!! It wouldnt be a party without you!!! <3
  • Of course not!xD I'll help plan too.
  • Of course!!! It wouldnt be a party without you!!! <3
    <br><span style="font-size:50">What about me, Babydoll, and C'more? XD</span>
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Of course!!! It wouldnt be a party without you!!! <3
    <br><span style="font-size:50">What about me, Babydoll, and C'more? XD</span>
    <br><br><br>Yall are all welcome too of course!!
  • <a href="¤t=001-1.mp4/"; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Ro in the arena when he was feeling good</a><br><br>I promise anyone who watches with the noise on... HE's the one who snorted and THATS why i laughed at him O-o
    <br>Hes turning out great Vampy! <3 Hes a gorgeous mover too!
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Whoa O.O freaking AMAZING mover!!!<br>Love love love love him!!!
  • xD why thank you! I cant wait to see if i can get him doing that under saddle! I LOVE watching him move! He floats!
  • xD why thank you! I cant wait to see if i can get him doing that under saddle! I LOVE watching him move! He floats!
    <br>I wish Romeo moved like that, he just looks like a dork when he tries to prance. <br>I can't say the same for Creole or Georgia though, they both prance around like they own the place lol
  • Ro's mom is the lead mare and she KNOWS it! He gets her movement from her definitally! Its so funny to see her rowse up the entire herd and have them all prancing and acting like fools haha! I really think he's gonna make a nice english horse, but i do plan on riding him western as well.
  • Okay. :D What size party hat does he need? You know what..just measure his head. <br><br>I'm going to make Jagger and Nina their own thread. :)
  • <span style="font-weight:bold">I love seeing how small he was when you first posted pictures and now he is so much bigger!</span>
  • Patty wrote:
    Okay. :D What size party hat does he need? You know what..just measure his head. <br><br>I'm going to make Jagger and Nina their own thread. :)
    <br><br>Get him a large! That thing is HUUUGE (he's be so mad if he knew i said that ;D)<br><br>@Tiny: i know! I love going back and looking at the pictures. I still have the picture from the first time i touched him. Heck i used to get down on my knees so i wasnt so intimidating for him LOL! Now he looks me in the eyes and if his head goes up he's higher than me! Cannot believe my boy is almost a year old! Heck, when his mom was bred I remember thinkin that it was gonna be the longest wait of my life... and it was. But now that he's born its flying by!
  • <span style="font-weight:bold">Yep,I love when they are tiny and my horse is 15 hands but when she picks up her head she is probably laughing haha I am taller then you but she goes out with a 16.2 hand mare and I say look who is laughing now!haha </span>
  • HA! I know the feeling. Ro string tested at 16.2 hh, my TB String tested at 17.3 (x.X) and my QH tested at 16hh. The shortest horse we have is 15.2 x.X Course theyre all terrified of me if were in a pasture setting. I kick with the best of em
  • <span style="font-weight:bold">Haha You have big horse she goes out with a Warmblood,she knows I am the boss of her haha when I get on her she is like "okay why do you want me to do?" I love though</span>
  • Exactally. I tell everyone i put my colt throught drill camp. He says yes maam and does things right them... my mares are like high school. Angst, attitude, and hormones. I have the REALLY annoying girl who wants to be the teachers pet and cant stand not doing work, and then i have the emo girl who sits in the corner and if you even attempt to talk to her she tells you to leave her alone!<br><br>Aka Rosie (Red roan QH) is ALWAYS around. I cant go in the pasture without her nose being in whatever im doing.<br>And Nova (Bay OTTB) trys her best to make me leave her alone. I go near her and she pins her ears at me haha. But she always gets a smack for it then she lets me mess with her without fuss. She's just a crabby mare.
  • <span style="font-weight:bold">Haha some horses are like that,but what i find funny is Fendi stops to eat grass and when she see's me coming she acts like oh I didn't do anything. :lol: </span>
  • Lol, I just watched the vid and heard the snort XD Was cute.<br>So I may sound stupid for asking this, but it's inspired by his little braided tail flopping around XD<br>For what reason(s) is that done? I probably know already but just checkin
    Do you like my training? Reccommend me here =)
    Main/Training Kennel, Boarding Kennel, Breeding Kennel

    ~Visit my main kennel for links to my on going auctions~
  • BabyBean13 wrote:
    Lol, I just watched the vid and heard the snort XD Was cute.<br>So I may sound stupid for asking this, but it's inspired by his little braided tail flopping around XD<br>For what reason(s) is that done? I probably know already but just checkin
    <br><br>He's just strutting haha! No reason other than he's feeling good and showing off.
  • Oh, lol. Sorry, shoulda made that a little more clear. I meant the braiding of manes and tails xP<br>I know it's done for shows and stuff but
    Do you like my training? Reccommend me here =)
    Main/Training Kennel, Boarding Kennel, Breeding Kennel

    ~Visit my main kennel for links to my on going auctions~
  • OH xD Its to keep the hairs from breaking. If the hairs dont break he'll get a long tail thatll hopefully drag or reach the ground. It also keeps his tail CLEAN since its white. And it keeps it tangle free without having to brush it every day because brushing causes the hair to break as well.
  • Maybe I should start braiding my hair so it grows faster >.> Lol.<br>I figured partly for cleanliness. How does leaving it do more damage than braiding it?
    Do you like my training? Reccommend me here =)
    Main/Training Kennel, Boarding Kennel, Breeding Kennel

    ~Visit my main kennel for links to my on going auctions~
  • Because the horse can pull out hair by getting it caught in stuff. Pulling it out and snapping the hair that gets caught...<br><br>She rubbed on a gate... see the gap in her main? Its the bane of my existence. <br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" />
  • Hmm. Interesting. (Well obviously, but..) I never knew that. Or would've even guessed that had helped in any way<br>Were you taught that or learned about it some other way?
    Do you like my training? Reccommend me here =)
    Main/Training Kennel, Boarding Kennel, Breeding Kennel

    ~Visit my main kennel for links to my on going auctions~
  • Ive read a lot about keeping manes and tails. Im not a big fan of fake tails but i do like big tails. So ive payed a lot of attention to people who talk about keeping natural manes and tails. I want Ro's to drag the ground <3
  • Fake? Like hair extensions for us?<br><br>It sounds beautiful =) I dunno if it's ignorance, but it's not exactly common knowledge that everyone should necessarily know, but I just pretty much assumed manes and tails always grew long unless the owner did something to hinder that.
    Do you like my training? Reccommend me here =)
    Main/Training Kennel, Boarding Kennel, Breeding Kennel

    ~Visit my main kennel for links to my on going auctions~
  • Yes xD Show horses get tail extensions. Like so <br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Most showhorses use this method. <br><br>Manes and tails can grow around houlder length if theyre nice to begin with usually before they max out. If theyre kept up then they can make it way farther but its a LOT of work. <br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>I clipped Ro's mane shorter so that i could start braiding it with the thickness. His mane is really thick but the end was already breaking so i usually braid him. I also use a LOT of growing products and conditioners in it t keep it from breaking.
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