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Czar got his neuter done today! Poor guy, I feel so bad for him. ): Ah, well. Better than having an accidental litter with someone else's female, right?<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>And... this is how he slept... to try and protect his sore spot, poor guy!<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Spay & neuter your own pets! ;D


  • I love the cone!! So fashionable! <br><br>Ive never truely had any of my personal pets neutered (i know!! Shame shame!) but my female was a show dog in her finer years (Agility) and i didnt want her getting fat and lazy PLUS she's inside and we didnt have any male dogs. Now in her old age im terrified itll cut back her lifespan because she's so healthy even at her old age because she's super active. Plus she will not let guy dogs get around her. My little boy Ein died before he was truely old enough to understand what being a guy was all about. other than that i really didnt have any animals that needed neutering. All the rabbits, sheep, and cows are FOR breeding lol! And i had a gelding but i bought him already gelded. This year im sending two animals to be neutered. Both boys. My Border collie puppy (because border collie/rat terrier/maltese would look wierd!!) and my colt, because i REALLY dont need a stallion with 6 mares. Especially since he has no papers.
  • <span style="font-weight:bold">aww poor thing lol!!</span>
  • my cav is nuterewd her name is sweety

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  • Vampy - He hates his cone! I could only get him to wear it for about five minutes... His head kept falling because he wouldn't hold it up. xD<br><br>It sounds like you kept your female intact for good reason(s). I don't think I could handle having an intact dog. Too many hormones and it sounds like a lot of work for some females when they go into heat. I have no intentions of breeding my animals though, so I have almost every single one neutered and spayed. Two dogs spayed, two dogs neutered; one cat spayed, one cat neutered; one rabbit neutered, other two are intact but seperated. :]<br><br>Tiny dancer - He's feeling much better now. Almost completely back to normal! I have to stop him from playing with the other dogs though, and he's not too fond of that idea. xD<br><br>Sweetypie - A female that has been 'fixed' would be called <span style="font-style:italic">spayed</span> instead of neutered. :] Sweety is a cute name.
  • <span style="font-weight:bold">Oh yeah !!</span>
  • xD really the hormones arent that bad. My dog has never tried to go after a male but she's really close to me so she likes to stay close physically. When she goes into heat its actually truely not difficult to deal with. When she goes outside she goes into a run by herself without any other dogs and in the house she's usually seprated from the other dogs anyways. They always wanna wrestle her so she stays away from em. She is usually where i am, say i am in my room, shes on the bed with me. Say im in my parents room on THEIR computer, she's sleeping on THEIR pillows bwa ha ha!! If im on the couch with my computer, she's on the other end of the couch with me. She's not a hard girl to keep up with haha!
  • Thank you for helping stop the pet overpopulation! Czar is adorable.
  • Neither Fathom or Tiki is fixed, but they are both show dogs as well (Agility/Conformation/Rally/etc) but poor little Nems got neutered and had to wear a cone! <br><br>And then I thought he felt kind of different especially because he's so small to the others, and was neutered and they were both intact. I don't think he cares anymore.
    Catch us if you can, but I bet you cannot reach our your hand, before we're already gone and have slipped away... :lol:


  • Zag - Anything to help stop it and I'm there! My dogs and cats have never contributed to the overpopulation, they're always spayed and neutered at 6 months. :]<br><br>Anchor Gal - I totally understand that show dogs need to be intact. :] What kind of dog is Nem?
  • He's a little Yorkie :) He's so cute!! I love Czar sweet little face and eyes!
    Catch us if you can, but I bet you cannot reach our your hand, before we're already gone and have slipped away... :lol:


  • <span style="color:#FF0080">Cesar Is Truly An Adorable Chihuahua<3</span><br><br><br><span style="color:#0080BF">Thanks For Neutering Your Pet.!My Older Sister Thinks Its Bad Too' Do That.No Matter How Much I Explain Too' Her That It Isn't.Haha`.</span><br>-__________-<br><span style="font-style:italic">Edited.</span><br>
    JordanGurlyGurl - His name is actually Czar (zahr; tsahr: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;) but thank you!
    <br><span style="color:#FF0080">Ohh My Gosh.I'm Sorry.!!How Could I Be Soo' Careless Too' Even Look At His Name!!Ahhh`!!Haha` I'm Sorry.All I Saw Was The "C" And The "R" In Hid Name And I Made Up A Different Name.Haha`. :lol: </span>
  • Anchor Gal - Aw, Yorkies are adorable. I'd probably be interested in having one if it wasn't for the grooming - I'm not a big fan of dogs with high-maintenence grooming. xD<br><br>JordanGurlyGurl - His name is actually Czar (zahr; tsahr: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;) but thank you! Some people just don't understand how important it is to neuter their pets. Many people think 'Oh, my dog's a purebred so he/she should have puppies' but that's <span style="font-style:italic">never</span> the case. I know full well that Czar shouln't be bred regardless of having a good temperment. There's really no reason for him to be bred at all so it was just best to get him neutered. I really wish that the lady I got him from had spay/neuter contracts when she sells her puppies.
  • but my female was a show dog in her finer years (Agility) and i didnt want her getting fat and lazy
    <br><br>We had our girls that do agility get spayed when they were 3 and 5 and honestly saw no difference. If anything Emme is fast without the wait of her parts xD (just kidding) As long as you exersize and feed your dog properly you won't have any problem. Beamer my moms puppy came to us natured and fat, it took us like a month to trim him down and he looks great. Basically what I am trimg to say is the fat myth isn't true, it's up to the owner to provide proper exersize and it does calm the dog down. BamBam got neutered and he is much easier to work with now.
  • Spaying and neutering dogs doesn't lessen their drive either. I know many fine personal protection trained dogs that are altered. If you have a lazy dog, it was lazy before it was fixed.
  • I know that one of our older dogs, Max, has always been lazy. And he has put on weight but I know it's not from his neuter... it's from lack of the proper amount of exercise. He honestly won't do anything with me (he's my mom's dog). He hates jumping obstacles. He runs away from me when I try to get him active and sleeps in the bedroom! Honestly one of the laziest dogs I've ever owned, the rest are very energetic and ready to do activities.<br><br>Czar is lazy when he's bored. If you keep him occupied (walk, toys, other dogs, other people, anything reallly!) he'll do almost anything to please. It's all mostly because he's got puppy energy but I highly doubt his neuter will take a toll on his active nature.<br><br>Sayge was spayed and she maintains a good weight all the time.<br><br>Molly was spayed and she's always been a good weight but has recently lost weight due to aging.<br><br>None of my dogs are involved in any show events or sports but spaying/neutering doesn't seem to do the 'damage' people think it does. It just makes dogs easier to control and work with in my opinion.
  • ya spayed thanks sweety is reallt cute ill love ur pup though too

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  • Aw! He looks so cute with his little cone. Poor baby. Adorable as always. xD
  • The only thing spaying/neutering really prevents is unwanted babies & certain cancers/infections.<br><br>I get preached at every time I go to the vet for not having my dog spayed, but really the vets main goal is just to make $$$$.<br>And since she's brachycephalic the risk are higher of something going wrong if she goes under anesthesia, and on top of that I am breeding her within a year.
  • I love the cone!! So fashionable! <br><br>Ive never truely had any of my personal pets neutered (i know!! Shame shame!) but my female was a show dog in her finer years (Agility) and i didnt want her getting fat and lazy PLUS she's inside and we didnt have any male dogs. Now in her old age im terrified itll cut back her lifespan because she's so healthy even at her old age because she's super active. Plus she will not let guy dogs get around her. My little boy Ein died before he was truely old enough to understand what being a guy was all about. other than that i really didnt have any animals that needed neutering. All the rabbits, sheep, and cows are FOR breeding lol! And i had a gelding but i bought him already gelded. This year im sending two animals to be neutered. Both boys. My Border collie puppy (because border collie/rat terrier/maltese would look wierd!!) and my colt, because i REALLY dont need a stallion with 6 mares. Especially since he has no papers.
    <br><br>I know what you mean. My two female Labs are not fixed because I use them for showing. I do however have a neutered Yorkie and Doc is a gelding. My other animals however are not fixed. My cat is about to be taken to get fixed and so is my male Basset Hound, but I am not planning on neutering my two Labs due to showing them. I have them in a pin with female dogs only, but when I move out they both will be inside dogs. My boyfriend and I also run a Pit Kennel, but we have good lines going and we have our dogs properly taken care of. They are also showing dogs so we have the dogs that are well known in our state for showing as well.
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