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How do you do CODE Layouts? Look Inside..

Hi it's BradleyCooper owner of Cooper Stadiums here. I'm wondering how you do HTML coding layouts. NOT the ones you get off sites, but the ones that are kinda homemade. If someone who is expierenced would teach me, that'd be GREAT! I'm willing to pay up to 30k to the person who teaches me. FIRST PERSON WHO TEACHES ME THE CORRECT WAY GETS THE MONEY OFFER!! Thanks[: PM me on here or VP to help me out.
<3 Bradley Cooper <3


  • > teach yourself<br><br>No offense intended, but no one is going to teach you another language for 30k. Because that's basically what it is. People <span style="font-style:italic">go to school</span> to learn Internet language, HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, etc. are all aspects of different websites that you see, and someone has to build it, and the way they learned was probably through professional training. <br><br>Go to the website I attached above and start at the very top, left hand side navigation, where it says Learn HTML. Lots of time, studying, reading, and effort--that's how you learn HTML. (:
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • That's how i did it, reina! I just looked up a website on the computer and taught myself. Same with my graphics haha its really he best way to learn. we cant really teach you much that you couldnt learn yourself really.
  • Oh goodie! Thanks![:
    <3 Bradley Cooper <3
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