Well a little background here. Yall all probably know this but i was given a two year old ex racehorse three months ago. I gave her a while off and have recently started slowly retraining her. She's a sweet girl and ive got her side passing on the rail and ive been teaching her how to rein better and weve gone on trail rides and i even cantered her a few strides though im cautious about it. <br><br>Anyways. The lady who gave me Nova came out yesterday to look at her and visit and see how she was doing. I had her saddled and i took her around and showed her off and the people were stunned and happy about how well she's doing. I introduced them to my other horses and we visited for a while and they left and we had a good time. Well she called me today and gave me the number of a track that is around here. They had been talking to this track owner (where they start theyre two year olds) and the owner wants me to work for her!!!!!!! This is perfect! Its only on weekends so my studying on weekdays will be just fine and ill get the experience so i might be able to make it into the equine portion of the college i want to attend! Also its that much more experience for me as a rider and trainer!!!
My Main Kennel- http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=337314
I Keith Urban!