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Because I just love wasting $95 to...

edited October 2011 in Vent
Get a personal breed and have someone else reach a higher star in that breed that the actual owner. Lovely.


  • Why did that original owner sell unneutered pups to that other person if said owner was working on 10x4's? 0.0
  • If they were rescued from your kennel or something, I'd kindly ask them for your dogs back. Most people on here would be willing to do that ^.^<br><br>I know it sucks. I had someone rescue my only giftie German Shepherd and a ton of other dogs, and I got most of them back.
  • Same. I had a few gifties rescued and some international dogs and i got them all back 0.0
  • 1) I didn't sell un-neutered pups. <br>2) I did get them back, but they've already been trained and line bred to #x4 records. So now since I didn't get to work on my own breed and somebody else did, to me they aren't worth really much of anything. Sure the pups were sent to K9 Heaven but they're still visible. Just like an ugly scar.
  • o.O But you can't rescue personal breeds?<br><br>I tried it told me I couldn't...
  • Thats what i was JUST thinking wheaty! I've tried on my rescue before and It wouldn't let me. So without a password and user name/selling pups, no one would be allowed to get those dogs from your kennel 0.0
  • There WAS a restriction placed on personal breeds, but apparently it was lifted. Do you honestly think I'm dumb enough to sell unneutered pups of my personal breed? I think not..
  • I know your upset, but don't take it out on us. We don't know everything, just shooting out ideas. Anyway, I didn't know the restriction was lifted... That's weird.
  • "This dog is a personal breed and therefore not available for rescue."<br><br>Still in place... there was possibly a glitch with your breed... try contacting an op possibly? Saying you think a glitch on your breed was possible o.O
  • I sent in a ticket. They said the dogs (the imports) were recovered when I logged in and the offspring destroyed. But ofcourse they're not really destroyed, just in K9 Heaven. So there's 8x4s of MY breed achieved by someone else still existing in the game. I just wish they would delete any history of them at all. It feels like a slap in the face. I guess I shouldn't be so prideful, but I just feel, well you know, robbed. And in the Highest Starred Dog List that person's name is etched there in the post and now I don't even really want the dogs anymore, but I'm keeping them as an asset. I dunno I guess, I'm really sorry if I came acrossed as rude, I'm just so frusterated with this situation.
  • The restriction was definitely not lifted and I don't think there's any reason that it would be anyway... otherwise no one would pay $95 knowing that if they left their kennel unattended for long enough, they would no longer be their possession.<br><br>So I'm curious as to how someone else would've gotten ahold of your breed. ._.
  • Why dont you just work with dogs that you had bred and attempt to acheieve a higher stat? Then they WILL be your work and you will get your own name in the list.
  • Well I want to ask the person who had them, but theydidn't answer any of my posts, and I don't want to start any more conflict
  • Maybe there was a rescue glitch?
  • But isn't it possible to make the execption to delete them from K9 Heaven? I know once dogs get in K9 Heaven they're there and they're records, but if it was a glitch and quite a bit of actual real-world money was involved couldn't it be possible for the exception to be made?
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