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Anyone seen any good movies lately? I have and I thought I would tell y'all about them because I'm bored.<br><br>-Soul Surfer (made me cry)<br>-Blue Crush 2 (chick flick)<br>-Jumping The Broom (laughed really hard)<br>-Beastly (great chick flick)<br>-Harry Potter and The Dealthy Hallows Part 2 (I cried when Fred, Lupin, Tonks and Snape died)<br><br>If anyone has seen good, teen to child friendly movies please, feel free to share(:
"I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower


  • I BAWLED my eyes out when Fred died. And don't even get me started on when Dobby died in the last one :C<br><br>But I saw Limitless a few days ago and I fell in love with it. Also, Beastly was adorable, I loved it.
  • <span style="font-size:85">I love the Disney animated films.<br>Tangled and Princess and the Frog weren't bad. :)</span>
  • Yeah I loved Tangled!!! And Maxxy, I almost passed out when Dobby died I was so shocked. I liked him :'(
    "I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • Rango xD it was eh okay<br>Rio was cute!<br>little red riding hood
  • Thanks Lily! I liked Rango OK but we haven't seen Rio yet. I'll have to rent that.
    "I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • In the title of this thread you should put *SPOILER ALERTS*. xD<br><br>I didn't find much point in Little Red Riding Hood and didn't like it much, but I love the movie RIO. It's adorable. So is Tangled, I love that weird little lizard. I actually stopped watching Rango part way through because I thought it was so boring, did they ever solve the problem? LIMITLESS is a GENIUS movie!!
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • Zyndalee wrote:
    In the title of this thread you should put *SPOILER ALERTS*. xD
    <br><br>Seriously, I agree. I haven't seen any of the last few Harry Potters yet...
  • Neither have I, that's why I suggested it, it kinda ruined it for me but I'm not a huge Potter fan so I wasn't freaking out over it. I'm sure it wasn't intentional though. : )
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • Zyndalee wrote:
    Neither have I, that's why I suggested it, it kinda ruined it for me but I'm not a huge Potter fan so I wasn't freaking out over it. I'm sure it wasn't intentional though. : )
    <br><br>I hope I didn't sound rude!
  • I don't think you did Garfieldz. (Sorry for the hijacking Animal Lover!!) xD<br><br>I will add that I watched Unstoppable the other day and I was bored to death, but that may just be me. xD
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • <span style="font-size:85">Oh! I also enjoyed Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. :)</span>
  • Ive whatched The Princess Bride about 8 times in the last 4-5 days :)
  • Sorry about the spoilers guy I really wasn't thinking. I really liked Alice in Wonderland too(:
    "I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • <span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#800000">o.O I just watched Unstoppable. xD I love Chris Pine though, and .. some scenes are quite intense, I liked it. x.x<br><br>After reading what everyone else has said, I love:<br>Tim Burton's; Alice in Wonderland<br>Beastly<br>HP7.2 [my eyes swelled when people died, but I've read the books (a bazillion times) and knew it was going to happen, so it wasn't a big moment for me]<br>I <span style="font-weight:bold">did not</span> like Rango.. verrrryy disappointed. =.='<br>Want to watch RIO and Hop though.<br>Tangled looks funny.<br>Little Red Riding Hood is on my list of must sees. So is Limitless.<br>I've read that Blue Crush 2 is just ridiculous, but I'm not one for listening to critics, so I'll probably watch that soon too. XD<br><br>Now..<br>Fast and Furious 5. I love a good car (and hotties fighting) movie. This one is by far the best Fast and Furious, although the 1st one cuts close.<br>I'm really looking forward to seeing Xmen First Class and Transformers Dark of the Moon again.<br>I -really- want to watch Green Lantern (ryan reynolds ftw) anyone seen it yet? <br><br>/late-night-rant 8) </span></span>
  • SimStar wrote:
    <span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#800000">Now..<br>Fast and Furious 5. I love a good car (and hotties fighting) movie. This one is by far the best Fast and Furious, although the 1st one cuts close.</span></span>
    <br><br>Paul Walker :P <br>I agree 100% haha
  • I personally loved Beastly, but it was pretty different from the book. Which I read after I watched and bought the movie. XD<br>Tangled is great! (:
  • TANGLED!!!<br><br>Hahaha so I started watching Alice in Wonderland but then my internet went down so I stopped...<br><br>I loved Vampires Suck xD it was def the movie I needed when I watched it the other day, just stupid comedy...<br><br><br>I started the Last Song I thought it was weird so I quit...
  • I just saw Battle: Los Angeles and it was great!!! There were explosion and people shooting each other every three seconds and I loved it! But they also cussed every three seconds too. 0.o My little sister was like "Mommy what does that mean?! Can I say that?! WHAT did he just say?!" through the whole movie.
    "I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • Garnet do you happen to remember the name of the younger (kind of cute) guy in Battle: Los Angeles? (the guy that got stuck under the concrete slab) I cannot remember his name in the movie!
    "I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • It's nice to know I'm not the only one that cried over HP7. D:<br><br>Josh and I actually watched Limitless just last night, it was very interesting, and Bradley Cooper is as always, very nice to look at;)<br><br>One of the best movies I've seen lately was The Help. Fanfreakingtastic movie. I also love Emma Stone, and I would marry her if I was a man. xD
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • I have yet seen HP 7.2 :/ I had the ticket to the midnight showing that my best friend bought for me, since I was having an extremely bad depression. However, my dad put his foot down and didn't let me go. I don't know why I even have to ask for permission to go watch a movie since I'm an adult -.-<br><br>The recent movie I watched that I liked was, Final Destination 5 =) I totally didn't think it was going to be good, since I'm really picky with horror/gory films. I'm obsessed with the movies:<br><br>Labyrinth (my healing movie)<br>Dancer in the Dark (Made me cry)<br>Blood and Chocolate <br>Puppet Master<br>Listen to your heart (AMAZING love story, cried so much lol)<br>Mr. Rice's Secret <br>The Prestige<br>Arthur and the Invisibles<br>Pride and Prejudice <br>The Dark Crystal<br><br>And those are the ones I can think of at the moment XD
  • Marley and Me? Oh my god. Everybody in the room was crying.
  • I know right?! I just saw Prom tonight. I don't really like Disney movies because they are extremely cheesy but I actually liked this one. I thought it was so cute all the ways the guys asked the girls to prom(: Two thumbs up! (and a bunch of cute guys lol)
    "I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • Simstar- I saw the green lantern... wasn't that impressed. it was really stereotypical.<br><br>Captain America on the other hand. HOLY CRAP itwasamazing.<br><br>Also I just recently saw Source Code and it went into my top movies list. Wow.
  • <span style="color:#FF0080">Okay Lets See.I Watched:<br>The Crazies (Freaked Me Out For 2 Whole Days)<br>Saw(Made Me Hate Seeing Blood)<br>Tangled(Was A Cute Movie)<br>The Smurfs(I LOVED GROUCHY SMURF!Btw Theres Gonna Be A Smurfs 2)<br>Rio(Cute Movie.I Loved It)<br>Hangover 2(Was Hilarious)<br>Winnie the Pooh(I Was Like Awwwww The Whole Time In Movie)<br>Paranormal Activity(Never Watched It But I Heard There Was Going Too' Be A 3rd.)</span><br><br><br><span style="color:#FF0080">I Think Thats It.Lol.</span><br><br><span style="color:#0080BF">Rango.Never Watched It.Never Intend Too`.Seems Boring.Looks Exactly Like Geico.xD</span><br><span style="color:#000000">i WANT Too` See Insidious.Looks Scary.And Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark.And 30 Minutes or Less.</span>
  • Source code and Captain America are so freaking good! <br>Limitless is like my number 1 favorite movie right now. It's so good <span style="font-size:20">and Bradley Cooper is handsome (:</span>
    Here have a band-aid
  • Limitless = amazing. Latest movie I saw and one of the best!<br>I love Bradley Cooper. YUUUUUH.<br><br>I LOVED RANGO, I don't know why everybody is hatin' on it. xD<br>It made me laugh and I though it was sooo adorable. <3<br><br>I saw half or 3/4 of Tangled and fell asleep.<br>Not because it was boring.. because it was late and I always fall asleep during movies. xD<br><br>Rio was so so so cute. Not my favorite, but cute.<br><br>I liked Beastly, it was definitely worth watching.<br>But I'm not its biggest fan, I found it slighly boring.
  • I just saw Thor. Great movies and Thor and his brother werent too bad to look at either ;)
    "I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • It's been awhile but I have a list of movies!!!<br><br>A Walk To Remember<br>To Save A Life (Love it!)<br>Courageous (bawled my eyes out)<br>The Grace Card (cried a little bit)<br>Abduction (Taylor Lautner shirtless!)
    "I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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