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Hurricane Irene

edited September 2011 in Vent
Sooo apparently my part of the state is going to get hit HARD with the hurricane. I heard that they evacuated New York City, and parts of New Jersey, and closed down Broadway and subways in NYC. I dont live in either state, but I'm not far away so I'm pretty freaked out and nervous. Is anybody else getting nervous?


  • I'm in NY, but not particularly worried. We're in the western part of NY, so we shouldn't be hit that hard, if at all, and in any case worrying won't do any good. XD I remember there was a bit of a hurricane scare a few years ago, and it just ended up being a few slightly worse than normal thunder storms by the time it hit the upper east coast.
  • Ugh, I was fine until I found out about the evacuating. It's getting closer and closer to Maine and I'm all "oh ma gawd oh ma gawd" lol
  • Yep.. I'm near Maine and I'm freaking out! Lots of trees around my house. -_- And god forbid I lose electricity.
  • I hear ya Frost, my place is completely surrounded by rotted trees..yay. Shhh don't talk about losing electricity, that'd be horrible. No internet *dies*
  • I'm nervous even though I literally live across the country from the storm... I'm safe for now. But my uncle, aunt, and eight young cousins all live in North Carolina. I haven't heard from them yet..
    Back in action?
  • (And by for now I mean I'm just sitting here waiting for an earthquake... Not a hurricane lol, those are VERY usual where I live.)
    Back in action?
  • I'm in New Jersey, and a lot of places by me have been evacuated already. My family's staying put though, so we'll see how that goes -__-
  • Thank you <3333<br>It's supposed to get worse in a few hours but so far it's just rain(:
  • mm, I live near NY and we were just up there at an agility trial and everyone was hurring trying to cram a 12 run trial into one day -.- it doesn't work. So now because my dad didnt qualify in the North American Challange (a run that if you q in you get to go to nationals) and they never had there secong NAC we have to do to another DOCNA trail which i dont perticularly like. Up here every on is freaking out though c: they are buying all the water they can and we couldn't find D batterys anywhere. At the trial it started downpoaring and so we had to put everything away because we were done for the trial and were tring to storm proof every thing. It was a crazy mess and everyone is calling it "THE SORM" O.o how origional. We aren't suposed to get it until tommarow morrning or after noon. Betcha ill sleep right through it c;
  • lol Everybody here is calling it "the big 'un"...we're a bunch of hicks,lol
  • I know what you're talking about lol. <br>The store where I work at was <span style="font-style:italic">swamped</span> today. We have two big freezers for ice and we were sold out by 4 pm. Everyone coming in was complaining about how they can't find a store with flashlights, batteries or water anywhere. The Home Depot by us was getting a shipment of generators the other day and the police had to be called in case there was a riot, since apparently everyone suddenly needs one.
  • Yea, I went to Wal Mart last night, and everybody was jumping around like fleas tryingto get supplies...twas scary,lol
  • To be honest, as long as I don't see anything like this I think I'll be just fine.<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" />
  • =O Holy sh...crap! That's it. I'm officially locking myself in my house during "the big 'un".
  • Solid plan! Me too :3
  • Okie. It's raining a little here.. And the winds are suppose to pick up in the morning, but there is this tree. It is my enemy, and I have spent whole nights worrying about it falling. Because whenever there are strong gusts of wind, I can hear cracking.. Like it's going to fall. And the way it is leaning goes right on top of me and my room. :shock:
  • *gasp* Maybe you shouldnt sleep in your room tonight then Frost
  • Yeah, definitely sleep out of that tree's reach :o
  • I would.. But the guest room is taken so I'd be sharing with the dog or sleeping in the hallway for people to trip over me at night. <span style="font-size:50">Actually.. Not a bad idea.. :twisted: </span> My stepdad would neveret me live it down, though.<br><br>Eh, it hasn't fallen on me yet. I'll live. xD
  • I had the same thing only TWO huge trees. We had this 100ft tall oak tree (about 5 feet in diameter) RIGHT outside my bedroom that was dying off from lightening hitting it already. The BRANCH (one of the three branches) that fell outta it last year, demolished our back porch, our master bathroom, the middle room, and the roof. That was only one branch and it was the size of a medium sized tree in itself! Another "branch" fell about a week ago, and tore our power lines down. Had to have the electric company come out and fix them all. Then on the OTHER side of my room (my bedroom is in the back of the house in the corner, so my room is the back and left side wall of the outside of the house) there is a 100-200ft pine tree (about 3 feet in diameter) that sways BAD every time there is a huge storm. I usually sleep in the living room or my dads room on the floor during bad storms in case those trees fall. Here in Arkansas, the hurricane isn't gonna bother me but Lukari lives in NY and I'm worried for her =(
  • Grr, my luck: its about to start here and i notice a cut on poor Zoe that she NEEDS to go to the vet about. We can't drive now because its raining pretty hard, i hope its not to bad tommarow so we can go. She isn't in imediate danger but the thing is aboutthe size of one of thoes big Y coins :( poor baby girl. When my mom went to almart she said she couldn't find anything, no batteirs, flashlights, milk, bread people are acting like this hurrican is going to go on for weeks.
  • Grr, my luck: its about to start here and i notice a cut on poor Zoe that she NEEDS to go to the vet about. We can't drive now because its raining pretty hard, i hope its not to bad tommarow so we can go. She isn't in imediate danger but the thing is aboutthe size of one of thoes big Y coins :( poor baby girl. When my mom went to almart she said she couldn't find anything, no batteirs, flashlights, milk, bread people are acting like this hurrican is going to go on for weeks.
  • Aww I hope Emme feels better.<br><br>We just started getting major downpours of rain. That ice cold rain, ugh
  • Lol, <span style="font-size:200">ZOE!!</span> Emme's sister!<br><br>Mm, its not to bad here but its also not supposed to be here until the morn but my internets being a pain in the bum :|
  • *looks up* oh..whoops,lol<br><br>Aw, stupid internet >.<
  • How bad is it over in that neck of the woods?
  • Maxxy wrote:
    To be honest, as long as I don't see anything like this I think I'll be just fine.<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" />
    <br>That's fake by the way ;)
  • Wheaton wrote:
    How bad is it over in that neck of the woods?
    <br>Over here, which was supposed to get the hardest in my state, all that happened was a limb fell off a tree. How exciting,lol Up north though, there was flooding and a bunch of roads got washed away
  • I think everyone having storms should send some of that lovely, lovely rain my way!!
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