Okay, first off, I've done it again. There is a gorgeous dog at the shelter called Jake, and I want him. They are claiming that he is a German Shepherd/Lab mix and well.. I don't believe it. He looks more Border Collie mix or Belgian Tervuren mix to me. Maybe German Shepherd. This picture doesn't do him justice, he looks like a BC in person.<br><br><a href="http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd467/prettypook/14b84deb.jpg" target="_blank" class="bb-url">http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd4 ... b84deb.jpg</a>
Shelters don't do tests or anything... they probably just give their best guess off of personality and appearance. By that, he could be, right? I do find that most shelters are completely wrong when it comes to the dog's appearance but for all they know, the dog could be like 54 breeds. xD
Looks BC cross, but I can't really tell from just one picture xD.<br>But he could anything, of two breeds unless his mum and dad where crossed than he could 4 crosses o.O'.<br><br>The only breeds I know the shelter I work at lies about are the pitbill crosses, saying they are staffys crosses ;F.<br>which is not really good to say as people need to know the breed so they know what they are gonna be dealing with.
Thanks guys! Jake was adopted yesterday.. I'm happy for him, and the people seemed like they'd be good for him. But still, I miss him! <br><br>@ Fly, yeah.. That's probably not a good thing. I've known the shelter to lie, too. They had 8 pups that looked a lot like Pittbulls. But they wanted to call them Mountain Curs. Then, they had a 13 year old GSD at the shelter, which is pretty old. He wasn't going to be around much longer, and nobody really adopts old dog's like that. So, a week later, I look at his ID card, and 13 has been crossed out, replaced with 7. Big difference.
Mmm.. I talked to a lady about it while out walking two of the dogs, said its because of the pitbull rep, but in NZ we are lucky so far the breed is only ban on being imported or outported, people can still breed them here. <br><br>I was told because of their rep, but I don't see why they need to hide it, Pitbulls are not ban from being bred here, they only ban from is being imported into NZ or taken out out. A few of the people there agree with me that peope need to know the breeds so they know what kind so dog they are dealing with, but I have no say in what the dog control whats to call them.<br><br>Thats sad about the age thing too, but I'v found a few older dogs do get homes where I go, only have about 4 right now the rest are all under 1 years. XD.<br>You would think they would just foster him out or something? <br><br>I know what you mean about missing any dog you get close to .<br>A dog named Princess as last got a home, I would of taken her as she was oftered to me for free but dad said no.<br><a href="http://ninja-sasko.deviantart.com/art/Princess1-204964037" target="_blank" class="bb-url">http://ninja-sasko.deviantart.com/art/P ... -204964037</a>
I'd believe GSD/Labrador. Looks about right to me. <br><br>Nothing gets on my nerves more though, than miss identifying breeds. First off, I'm not an expert but I do know the majority of the common breeds. <br><br>I love to browse Petfinder and everytime there are dogs that are clearly one breed/mix and listed as something completely different. I saw an obvious pit bull listed as a golden retriever. Seriously? They think that's going to get them adopted faster? Most people know what a golden looks like and it's not a small-medium sized short haired dog. <br><br>I update PF for my own shelter and I always do my best to list the dogs accurately. Sometimes it is very difficult though.
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