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Sponsor Upgrade!!! [Ended SandPiper]

edited August 2011 in Auction
So I'm at it again. I'm feeling generous and decided to give away another sponsor upgrade. Just note, this will be a one year NON-recurring upgrade. <br><br>Sb: 10 mill<br>Hb: 70mill SeaOats<br>BIN: 80mill<br><br>Have something other than VPC to offer? PM me and if I want what you're offering, we'll arrange a price subtraction. Just note, I am not required to accept what you're offering, I really do want the VPC. But don't be afraid to ask. <br><br>If the upgrade is BINed, the upgrade will be purchased on Monday, July 25th. Otherwise the ending date is TBA. <br><br>There will be a hidden reserve. <br><br>**I reserve all rights to end without a winner. <br><br>*Edit* Ending date is August 5th at 1PM Eastern<br><br><br>Happy bidding!(:


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