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My Dogs and the Vet

edited July 2011 in Vent
My dogs are usually quite healthy, and we never have to go to the vet accept for check ups and shots. But for some reason they haven't been very lucky the past few weeks! We've been to the vet 3 times in the past 2 weeks. <br><br>The first was just a check up for Dixie. Though we did discover she had an ear infection. <br>Then the next day, Molly got hit in the eye with a chuck-it so we took her in. <br>That was last week. Then a few days ago, up at my families cottage, Dixie and my cousins' dog Ellie got in a little fight. With 6 dogs we knew it could get chaotic, and there have been small fights before. All the dogs did great and got along for the whole week. Then on the last day, Ellie (a smaller dog, just a mix of a few breeds) was biting at Dixie when she was playing fetch. Dixie got tired of it and snapped, and they got into a little fight. My mom was able to break it up quickly, and we didn't think either of the dogs got hurt. Then my dad discovered that Dixie had a small bite on her side. It wasn't too deep, but it was bleeding and she wouldn't stop licking at it, so he decided to take her to the vet. She'll be fine, but we have to make sure she doesn't lick it. <br><br>So, basically, in the past 2 weeks we've had 3 vet visits and spent over $200. :roll:
Goals: 13/50million VPC


  • Wow, the last time we took a dog to a vet other then for checkups was like a year ago when our dog Ruby (whos trained not to fight) got attacked by our stupid old neighbors dog while we were on a walk on the opposite side of the road from their house and the owner said we were in "their" ditch and we were on the ROAD ON THE OTHER SIDE! (end of little rant lol). My dog got her off of Ruby lol. It happened a few times also where Sadie (neighbors dog) would come onto our property and attack Ruby and the owners wouldnt do anything about it so we ended up taking her to the vet a couple times back then.
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Wow, the last time we took a dog to a vet other then for checkups was like a year ago when our dog Ruby (whos trained not to fight) got attacked by our stupid old neighbors dog while we were on a walk on the opposite side of the road from their house and the owner said we were in "their" ditch and we were on the ROAD ON THE OTHER SIDE! (end of little rant lol). My dog got her off of Ruby lol. It happened a few times also where Sadie (neighbors dog) would come onto our property and attack Ruby and the owners wouldnt do anything about it so we ended up taking her to the vet a couple times back then.
    <br>Yes, my dogs very rarely get injured or sick, so going to the vet so many times was weird. That's terrible, I would be furious if a dog came onto my property and attacked my dogs. If a problem happens with our families' dogs at camp, it's usually two dominant dogs just trying to work out something....but I guess Ellie took the playing a little too far. Overall the dogs enjoy being with each other though. Dixie and my Aunt's golden retriever love each other and they will lay on the ground playfully biting each others ears and wrestling. It's really cute.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
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