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edited July 2011 in Vent
Okay seriously I've been needing a breeder for the past several days and every time one would log on I'd send them a message asking if their services were open they would be gone. So I'm like "what the crap?" Has this happend to anyone else? Or am I just that big of a loser lol. <br><br><br>I found a breeder finally but still.


  • Haha that's happened to me a couple of times.
    Here have a band-aid
  • yea and now that i dont need one theres a bunch online
  • A lot of them are busy, even my own.. I'v been finding it a pain when people ask me to breed when I'v bred my own dogs and wanna groom them.<br>As if I don't groom them right away I get lazy about that line ;F.<br><br>Half the time I find some people are slow at picking up their pups too, it would be why some people don't wanna breed for others too. xD.
    656 Gifties
  • I'm a breeder and there are times when I'm busy and get messages about breeding and by the time I have time enough to breed, the other person isn't online. If I know someone will be quick, sometimes I'll take a quick break and do it for them, but that's burned me on more than one ocassion, so I generally wait until I know I have time to pay attention. Otherwise, I make dumb mistakes such as turning too much, breeding to the wrong animal, etc.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • I used to be a breeder and it happend to me frequently as well. I know life gets in the way, but still it gets frustrating lol
  • same finding a Trainer.
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