Hey guys, I know I haven't been on in a while. This summer has actually been pretty busy. So hi! But since most of the people here know a lot about dogs, I came here because my dog got hit in the eye. <br><br>Last night a neighbor was over and they were throwing the tennis ball using the chuck-it, which is like a plastic stick you put the ball into to throw it farther. Well they didn't realize my Lab was right under them, and hit her in the eye with the chuck-it. <br><br>My mom says she didn't whine or yelp like it was painful, but she kept her eye closed for a while. When I looked at it last night, it was kind of pink and just didn't look right. She was acting alright, so we decided to see how it looked today.<br><br>Well today, her eye looks better, not completely better, but a lot better than yesterday. . However, she's kind of holding it half open. We were planning on going away (with the dogs) either today or tomorrow. I don't want to take her until I know her eye is OK, because it would be pain to find a vet up there. <br><br>So, my question is, should we bring her to the vet today? Or should it heal on it's own? And also, do you think it could have seriously damaged her eye? I'll have to see what my parents say, but I was thinking we should just call the vet and see what they think. Thanks so much.
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