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edited June 2011 in Vent
I have 5 final exams coming up within the next few school days. 3 of the 5 I am not worried about at all, they should be easy. However, 2 of them are killing me with stress. Algebra and Earth Science, two of the most boring, difficult subjects. My algebra teacher isn't very patient, she basically said we're on our own to study. My earth science teacher is amazingly nice, but he didn't enforce the rules so we didn't learn much. :| <br><br>I took two practice tests and got a B on both of them. The first test is tomorrow, so I guess that's its for now, and I'll just have to hope there are easy questions! It's still stressful, if I fail the test (which has never happened to me before,) I have to retake the course. I don't think I've ever gotten less than an A on a final exam, but I'm pretty sure this year will be different. Seriously though, as long as I get a B or above, I'll be happy. <br><br>Besides that, I'm pretty depressed that the school year is ending. This year has been a pretty good one and I made some good friends, one of them will be moving this summer. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for the stress of school to end, but the little things like walking in the hallways and studying with friends, I'll miss. I'll even miss most of my teachers, even though they are kind of weird....<br><br>And I want this summer to be relaxing for me, but my Grandpa has just been diagnosed with ALS, my Dad is on crutches (foot surgery), and my parents are trying to rent or or sell our old house. Plus, my little sister and I have been having trouble getting along lately, so spending my days with her should be interesting. And one more little thing....I never learned how to ride a bike. I know, it sounds dumb, but I was never interested, and now I feel like I have to, and soon. My friends are pressuring me and if I learned it would be a relief that I don't need to cover up about not knowing how.<br><br>So yeah, I know I shouldn't complain, a lot of people have it worse. And I do have some fun things planned this summer. But I'm still stressed....anyone have any suggestions for how to deal with any of the things I mentioned? Sorry this was so long....
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