For advice, I'd say play with textures/fonts. Somehow it just makes most banners look better if there is a transparent layer with some sort of texture over the background image.
color or design of background: hollyleaves<br>breeds of dogs: pointer, Bernese Mountain Dog, Rhodesian Ridgeback<br>how many dogs:3<br>main text:Hollyleaf Kennels<br>sub text:Owned and Loved by Hollyleaf2010/silentecho<br>text color: Black
color or design of background:Fireworks<br>breeds of dogs: Royal Poodle, Basenji, papillon<br>how many dogs:3<br>main text: Forver Acres<br>sub text: Owned and loved by Hollyleaf2010/silentecho<br>text color: White
color or design of background:Fireworks<br>breeds of dogs: Royal Poodle, Basenji, papillon<br>how many dogs:3<br>main text: Forver Acres<br>sub text: Owned and loved by Hollyleaf2010/silentecho<br>text color: White
color or design of background: hollyleaves<br>breeds of dogs: pointer, Bernese Mountain Dog, Rhodesian Ridgeback<br>how many dogs:3<br>main text:Hollyleaf Kennels<br>sub text:Owned and Loved by Hollyleaf2010/silentecho<br>text color: Black
oh i thought you meant like i dont even know lol and i think holly is spelt holey maybe lol and do you like ? if so send 2k to poppomgirl and i will put codes in dogs nots and sorry i didn't know what a royal poodle was
yeah, neither did i, until i got one I'll pay you for both, but only send me the link for the forver acres one, kay? I think I'll have a banner contest...
banner form:<br>color or design of background: Lightning Strikes <br>breeds of dogs: Dogo Argentino<br>how many dogs: Three<br>main text: Floating on a Cloud Kennel<br>sub text: Where Dogo Argentinos roam and rule the land<br>text color: what ever looks good with the background
banner form:<br>color or design of background: Snowy Night<br>breeds of dogs: Siberian Husky<br>how many dogs: Three <br>main text: Challenge Lives Kennel<br>sub text: Where great Siberian Huskies are bred,shown, and sold<br>text color: Whatever looks best
banner form:<br>color or design of background:black & white swirls<br>breeds of dogs:Black Labs (adults)<br>how many dogs:2<br>main text: Muddy Water Stud Kennel<br>sub text:<br>text color:Sky Blue
banner form:<br>color or design of background: Snowy Night<br>breeds of dogs: Siberian Husky<br>how many dogs: Three <br>main text: Challenge Lives Kennel<br>sub text: Where great Siberian Huskies are bred,shown, and sold<br>text color: Whatever looks best
banner form:<br>color or design of background:black & white swirls<br>breeds of dogs:Black Labs (adults)<br>how many dogs:2<br>main text: Muddy Water Stud Kennel<br>sub text:<br>text color:Sky Blue
here it is thanks <br><br>banner form:<br>color or design of background:rain<br>breeds of dogs: labs<br>how many dogs: three<br>main text: Rhino Run Kennel<br>sub text: Where great labs are bred<br>text color: what ever looks best
banner form:<br>color or design of background:black & white swirls<br>breeds of dogs:Black Labs (adults)<br>how many dogs:2<br>main text: Muddy Water Stud Kennel<br>sub text:<br>text color:Sky Blue
here it is thanks <br><br>banner form:<br>color or design of background:rain<br>breeds of dogs: labs<br>how many dogs: three<br>main text: Rhino Run Kennel<br>sub text: Where great labs are bred<br>text color: what ever looks best