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I wish I could just change my name.

edited August 2011 in Vent
I own Purty Poms Kennels (playername Pomlover) and you don't know how SICK I am for being mistaken as poppomgirl. I'm tired of it. I have nothing much against her, but I am NOT her. I am not selling you my dogs because you're her friend. I'm not selling my kennel to you because she offered to sell you a kennel. I am not paying you back for something she did or did not do. I am not her.<br><br>I just want to change my Player Name. It'd be fine if I only got mistaken once a month or so, but it's a weekly occurrence that SOMEone messages me a question meant for her, or a comment meant for her. It doesn't sound like a big deal, but it's bloody well ANNOYING.<br><br>And I want it to stop.<br>Now. *pouts*


  • Poor Kyt! I thought you were her at one point too. I was like "why is she bidding on my dog.. :/" but no it was you! D=
  • See? It happens a lot. *whine* It makes me sad. ;-; I know it's an honest mistake, but the least someone could do is double check before sending me a message from the middle of their conversation with her. ;-;
  • I read that if your kennel has a breed name in it, and you change your breed, they can change your kennel name for you? It can't hurt to ask.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • I think they said the exact opposite, that names can't be changed because of something so small.
  • *Guilty* But I caught myself before I sent the message! Anyway, I'm pretty sure you can't change your kennel/username unless there is a misspelling in it. I know I had my kennel changed from "German Sheperd Kennels" to "German Shepherd Kennels". The Op even offered to change my user, but that was on purpose. :roll:
  • Gah, I hate how you can't edit. I meant to say my username is spelled wrong on purpose, then this dude --> :lol: not :roll:
  • Haha be nice to get one change or something on Sponsors Kennels, I am sick of the kid names on two of my kennels, it is silly it really is, to move over 1k dogs to a new kennel because they wont let us do it ;F.
    656 Gifties
  • Uh, I hate my kennel/player name also. It's so kiddish, I wish they let you change your kennel/player name at least once. Lol, I was wondering who that was screaming on the kennel page that they weren't pompomgirl
    My Kennel
    First 8x4's Belgian Laekenois
    First 9x4's Belgian Shepards
    First 10x4 Australian Silky Terriers
  • Kazuko wrote:
    I think they said the exact opposite, that names can't be changed because of something so small.
    <br>Actually they can be changed if they have a breed name in them.. <br>You will be asked to pick something with no breed name in it :P
  • Did you use an op when you bought the kennel? If you did you can change it :p
  • *guilty* I pmed you one time asking if you were her XD
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Hopefully, with the new version of VP, periodic name changes might be allowed on kennels since all kennels will have to be associated with a main account and the ability of a scammer being able to hide will be reduced to almost nothing.<br><br>And yes, if your kennel is based on a particular breed of dog, the name can be changed to remove the dog breed.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Alabama wrote:
    Hopefully, with the new version of VP, periodic name changes might be allowed on kennels since all kennels will have to be associated with a main account and the ability of a scammer being able to hide will be reduced to almost nothing.<br><br>And yes, if your kennel is based on a particular breed of dog, the name can be changed to remove the dog breed.
    <br><br>I hope thats happens, as even I said that to one of the Ops in a pm at one point they should allow it because kennels will be linked to one account.
    656 Gifties
  • Hope I this happens too. TuffGirl isn't the most desirable name anymore haha.
  • I hope so too! I think we all have shed our noob names haha. I mean come on, my player name is brutis #1 and my kennel name is brutis. Thats awful! When I started I just named my everything after my dog haha, now I look back like "wow, I was a NOOB"
    Training Kennel Boarding Kennel Breeding Kennel Rescue/Collection Kennel
    Read about and Participate in the VP Awards here please xD
  • I have been wanting to change my first kennel's names since the day I found out that finster2 was not suitable as a player name and finleym12 as kennel name? Too embarrassing. Even I laugh when I see the names..<br>That's why I have the made up kennel name BelHaven Kennels. 0_0
  • ya i would change mine Mac cat's Shelter owned by mac cat...
  • HEY! I like my newbe keenl name D:<
  • I'm not (er.. wasn't.) talking about newbie names and whatnot. Those you get to stick with, no sympathy here. xD It was just annoying to be so similar to someone else. I didn't mind being Pomlover, I minded being mistaken for Poppomgirl xD
  • I think that newbie names were brought up because of all the people wanting to change their name. Here is the from topic about name changes <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">viewtopic.php?f=25&t=51655</a>
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