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Name Changes

edited January 2006 in Game Suggestions
I think that we should be able to have one name change when you upgrade into a sponsor account. I have come to notice that some ppl judge them depending on there names. so its not exactly fair to those who are serious and love the game but have a not so professional name and is misjudged. i think that one name change should be allowed. Most of the popular sponsors have neat names. and when you have stuff like numbers or common names then... ppl just judge and think you are a novice.<br><br>PS its also not fair becuase ppl have had there name changed and now, ppl cant


  • Names all depend on creativity, I don't have a reason as to why it's not a good idea, but one of the ops won't change names simply because people don't like them anymore because what if they get sick of the new one. Then they think they can get it changed whenever they want to and it turns into this big thing and suddenly everyone wants to change their name.<br><br>I think I should recommend Nefertete to put something on the sign up page like "Think very carefully before choosing a player and a kennel name and make sure you're VERY happy with it, because you can't change it!"
  • i am not thinking unlimited name changes. only <span style="font-size:150"><span style="color:red">one</span></span> when you upgrade<br>i deffinently agree that you would just get tired of the new one too fast
  • whats the point of being able to change it at all
  • ... well alot of novice dont choose a "profesional" enough name and are judged by there name. Stuff like numbers after the name is pretty unoriginal. They dont know what the game is going to be liek yet so they quikly htink of a name that in somecases are not so good. And by the time they upgrade they usually know alot of stuff about it. But still having the same name they are still judged. and since your an Op, any name would do and you'd still be recognised cuz your and op.
  • I had my name for around 2 years now, long before I was an op
  • ive heard that VP was only around for 1 year and a half. But anyways, still your name is unique. Unlike many names in VP
  • hannon wrote:
    ive heard that VP was only around for 1 year and a half. But anyways, still your name is unique. Unlike many names in VP
    <br><br>I came here from VHR, think before you speak please, some may think it's rude, and if a name is not unique, that is the problem for the player. Perhaps they should spend more time defining themselves as a person instead of rushing into something.<br><br>Come to think of it, I had a VHR sponsor for almost a year before I came here, so I had this name for about 2 and half years now.
  • im sorry if i offended you... i dont know VHR very well.
  • Simply put, this is a wasted suggestion.<br><br>What is the reason for changing your name if you upgrade? To me, that's a why for ignorant novices to hide the fact that they have no clue about the game but are hiding that fact by changing their name withever they become a sponser... But as the saying goes "a leopard can not change its spots".<br><br>So if you are a poor novice player called JoefromMexico whom then has the ability to change your name when you become a sponser - such as Elite Dogs or something like that - it's not to going to change the particular way in which you play.... so ultimately changed name or not if you're a poor player you're going to be noticed for been a poor player of the game.<br><br><br>The only reason why a kennel name should be changed is if the kennel name happens to be offensive and/or the kennel name is changed by an Op to help keep track of that players' offenses on the game. <br><br>I think, if this kennel name change was added then people will be asking for having a one chance of changing the name of a dog because they got bored of the dog's name...<br><br>So as said, this is a wasted suggestion simply because it's too much of a hassle than what it's worth.
    BREEDS: Anatolians, Alapaha BBBs, Royal Wolf, Mioritics, Hell Hounds, Chinooks, Hookaido Inus PB: Kyuubi no Kitsune
  • well alot of novice dont choose a "profesional" enough name and are judged by there name.
    <br><br> that a 'profesional' name? Not really...and yet, I have people buying me sponsers and giving me favors...<span style="font-style:italic">because I try to be a responsible player</span> not because of my name :D <br><br>Therefor, I don't agree, I have had a name change once, when I got my sponser and didn't like the name (which was choosen before I got the kennel) For things like that...ya, I agree, but not all the time.
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... That's why it's called 'The Present"
  • I think a name change would be nice because peoples' attitudes change over time. Like I wanted everything in my life to be pink, pink food, pink clothes, pink room . . . now I hate pink. And althought you had 2 years to think about your name, Nitara, some people spend close to 5minutes because we don't know what to expect on this game. (sorry if I offended you or anything) The problem I'm finding with my name is the DH part, people are thinking that I'm DevilHusky, and I think you can all find out the problems with Lebs yourself.
  • DH_lebs wrote:
    I think a name change would be nice because peoples' attitudes change over time. Like I wanted everything in my life to be pink, pink food, pink clothes, pink room . . . now I hate pink. And althought you had 2 years to think about your name, Nitara, some people spend close to 5minutes because we don't know what to expect on this game. (sorry if I offended you or anything) The problem I'm finding with my name is the DH part, people are thinking that I'm DevilHusky, and I think you can all find out the problems with Lebs yourself.
    <br><br>Yeah people's opinions change over time too... so why act like a bunch of sneaks when you get your kennel upgraded and change the name to that kennel.<br><br>Act with responsibility without hiding behind some new name and other players will respect you.
    BREEDS: Anatolians, Alapaha BBBs, Royal Wolf, Mioritics, Hell Hounds, Chinooks, Hookaido Inus PB: Kyuubi no Kitsune
  • thanks for your guys input <br>BUMPITY BUMPITY
  • Yeah people's opinions change over time too... so why act like a bunch of sneaks when you get your kennel upgraded and change the name to that kennel. <br><br>Act with responsibility without hiding behind some new name and other players will respect you.<br>
    <br> Then maybe we should let the novices have this option too?
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