<span style="font-style:italic">As many of you know, me and Allie created a goodie dye giveaway about a day ago, so me and Allie have decised to give away sponsor upgrades! We are doing this on two different threads, but Allie has already annoced the winner on hers! I`m giving away a 6 month upgrade to the lucky winner who I and my jugdes feel that has earned it

</span><br><br><span style="font-size:150"><span style="font-weight:bold">Entries:</span></span><br>AllIsLost18<br>guineadog<br>Horsegirl210 <br>Majestic Gryphon<br>Niscus<br>WhiteAngel <br>Tar Brundrake<br>Mac cat<br>BabyBean13<br>OatGirl<br>nix II<br>poppomgirl<br><br><br><span style="font-style:italic">So... you want to be in a chace of having your own sponsor upgrade? Then fill this form!</span><br><br>
Player Name (In game) - <br>Have you ever scammed a player before? -<br>Have you ever got scammed before? -<br>How long have you been on VP -<br>Why should you have the upgrade? -<br>Future goals -<br>What would I be if I had a sponsor? -<br>Goals I`ve done -<br>Are sponsor or noice? -
<br><br><span style="font-style:italic">^-^ Please no begging or bridery, it just does not work. Don`t be selfish or rude, that will put you on the ignor list

</span><br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:150">How to enter to have a chance to win-</span></span><br><span style="font-style:italic"><br>Player Name (In game) -Put your main kennel name<br>Have you ever scammed a player before? - Say you haven`t and you haven`t! XD<br>How long have you been on VP - Well just put the years or if you know the exact amount put that.<br>Why should you have the upgrade? - Make it as long as possible if you say, Cus you want to be a sposner well everyone does.<br>Are sponsor or noice? - Please, please, please put the right thing here if you dont me and Allie will find out.</span><br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:150">How to enter and be at the bottom of the list</span></span><br><br><span style="font-style:italic">Player Name (In game) - Not your kennel or a kennel you are selling.<br>Have you ever scammed a player before? - If you`ve scammed someone and say you haven`t, I`ll find out >;)<br>How long have you been on VP - Saying like 50years ors something that cant be right.<br>Why should you have the upgrade? - If you put: i want to be a sponser.<br>Are sponsor or noice? - If you say your a novice when your not.<br></span><br><br><span style="font-style:italic">If you follow this you should be good!</span> By Allie!
My Main Kennel- http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=337314
My Main Kennel- http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=337314
My Main Kennel- http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=337314
My Main Kennel- http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=337314
My Art Thread: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=74346
My Main Kennel- http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=337314
My Main Kennel- http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=337314
Main/Training Kennel, Boarding Kennel, Breeding Kennel
~Visit my main kennel for links to my on going auctions~
My Art Thread: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=74346
My Main Kennel- http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=337314
My Main Kennel- http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=337314
My Art Thread: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=74346
Main/Training Kennel, Boarding Kennel, Breeding Kennel
~Visit my main kennel for links to my on going auctions~