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First Annual Schutzhund Challenge. [Finished!]



  • Guess your right sim, sorry bout that
  • Group 2 results. Sorry about the delay.<br><br>- GSK Watch Your Back || 70<br>- Flys Deliver Us || 68<br>- [XDOG] Chico G6 10x4 || 67<br>- HxC Dark Illusion || 65<br>- «VER» Act Appalled || 65<br>- FBI Balto Solo Run || 60<br>- Pride's 10x4 TKA | 53<br>- DP'S Oúrea | 0
  • Group 3 events posted.
  • Are we allowed to train the dogs a bit while the event is going on? Just curious, considering raising aggro.
  • Lets go Xolos, lets go!
  • Are we allowed to train the dogs a bit while the event is going on? Just curious, considering raising aggro.
    <br><br>As long as adapt and courage don't go over 220, sure. (:
  • I've had to drop more people out. So the fourth event will hopefully be fast if people can enter their dogs as soon as they can. (:<br><br>Results for third group:<br>- «VER» On Letting Go || 62<br>- HxC Dark Vengeance || 57<br>- MMM Aussie's Captivator || 49<br>- DP'S Rhéa ||47<br>- GSK Take A Chance || 44<br>- Flys Numb || 39<br>- FBI Battle Cry of War || 38<br><br>Group 4 events up. <br>Ver, Az, Fly, Mercy & Frostbight, please enter asap so I can get the semi-finals underway!
  • Heh.<br><br>Group 4 results:<br>- «VER» Stare Like You'll Stay || 44<br>- HxC Russet Storm || 38<br>- Flys Miss Murder || 33<br>- GSK On A Cloudy Day || 31<br>- FBI Challenge Me Not || 14<br><br>Will create the first of the semi-final events soon.
  • Okay semi-final groups formed, new events up.
  • First Semi-Final events have been run & calculated;<br><br>Group #5 [10 dogs]<br><span style="color:#00BF00">- MMM Aussie's Close Call || 84 - 181 (97)<br>- Pride's First 10x4 TKA || 96 - 183 (87)<br>- HxC Dark Illusion || 65 - 147 (82)<br>- «VER» Suspending Disbelief || 97 - 176 (79)<br>- «VER» On Letting Go || 62 - 138 (76)</span><br>- FBI Balto Solo Run || 60 - 132 (72)<br>- HxC Russet Storm || 38 - 121 (61)<br>- GSK Watchin' It Burn || 97 - 150 (53)<br>- Flys Deliver Us || 68 - 118 (50)<br>- GSK Watch Your Back || 70 - 111 (41)<br><br>Group 6 events are going up now.<br>Please be sure to get your entries in as soon as possible so I can get the second round complete!
  • Grrrr. I forgot to put the dog's back in my main kennel! The kennel they're at doesn't have 100 in handling skill!
  • Grrrr. I forgot to put the dog's back in my main kennel! The kennel they're at doesn't have 100 in handling skill!
    <br><br><br>Oh no! D:<br>I actually wondered why they weren't doing very well!<br>Sorry Frost!
  • The last two dog's have been doing terrible... Ergh. I need a miracle! <br><br>On the bright side, I now have 100 in training skill on that kennel. XD
  • Wow I didn't expect my dog to do that well!
  • Waiting on 2 more entries for the Round 6 events!
  • Group 6 events being run in less than 6 hours.
  • Hooray~ xD
    Banners: OPEN
    Training: OPEN ;D
    [Ver's kennel!]
  • Round 2, Group 6.<br><br><span style="color:#00BF00">- HxC Dark Vengeance || 57 - 155 (98) +3 = 101<br>- «VER» Act Appalled || 65 - 156 (91) +3 = 94<br>- HxC Abandoned Rebel || 83 - 167 (84) +3 = 87<br>- GSK Take A Chance || 44 - 126 (82) +3 = 85<br>- GSK On A Cloudy Day || 31 - 111 (80) +3 = 83</span><br>- Flys Miss Murder || 33 - 106 (73) +3 = 76<br>- «VER» Stare Like You'll Stay || 44 - 115 (71) +3 = 74<br>- DP'S Rhéa || 47 - 118 (71) +3 = 74<br>- FBI Challenge Me Not || 14 - 57 (43) +3 = 46<br><br>- unnamed #1 (emme) || <span style="color:#FF0000">disqualified.</span><br>- MMM Aussie's Captivator || <span style="color:#FF0000">disqualified.</span><br><br>The reason for the additional 3 points was because I forgot to put a filler in the first 3 events. Hence the 1 point each.<br>The finalists are displayed on the first page as Group 7. <br>Events will go up shortly.
  • Waiting for Ver to enter her 3 dogs so I can run the Finals!
  • So sorry Simmy. D: Will enter right now.
    Banners: OPEN
    Training: OPEN ;D
    [Ver's kennel!]
  • All done xD
    Banners: OPEN
    Training: OPEN ;D
    [Ver's kennel!]
  • Congratulations everyone, for making it to the end of the First Annual Schutzhund Challenge!<br><br><span style="color:#0000BF">1st. Pride's First 10x4 TKA || 87 - 274 = 187</span><br><span style="color:#FF0000">2nd. «VER» Suspending Disbelief || 79 - 245 = 166</span><br><span style="color:#00FF00">3rd. «VER» Act Appalled || 94 - 238 = 144</span><br>4th. HxC Dark Illusion || 82 - 224 = 142<br>5th. MMM Aussie's Close Call || 97 - 236 = 139<br>6th. HxC Abandoned Rebel || 87 - 215 = 128<br>7th. «VER» On Letting Go || 76 - 204 = 128<br>8th. GSK Take A Chance || 85 - 205 = 120<br>9th. HxC Dark Vengeance || 101 - 218 = 117<br>10th. GSK On A Cloudy Day || 83 - 184 = 101<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">First Place:</span> 10 million VPC, 100 years of training from SimStar, a banner for the Top Schutzhund dog on VP.<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Second Place:</span> 5 million VPC, 50 years of training from SimStar, a banner for the Second Best Schutzhund dog on VP.<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Third Place:</span> 2.5 million VPC, 20 years of training from SimStar, a banner for the Third Best Schutzhund dog on VP.<br><br>Fourth to Tenth place receive 1 million VPC each, plus one groom and a banner.<br><br>I will be making banners for the top 10 probably tomorrow.<br>If everyone could please send negative contracts for money to <span style="font-weight:bold">Elspeth Gordie</span> with your FORUM name in the contract notes.<br>And all training to go to <span style="font-weight:bold">Rushton Seraphim</span> again with your forum name in the contract notes, and how you want the dogs trained in the dogs notes.<br><br>Congratulations to Ver who has taken out the three Tracking, Obedience & Protection Awards with only 2 of her dogs.<br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Tracking:</span> «VER» Suspending Disbelief : With the score of '288.43'<br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Obedience:</span> «VER» Suspending Disbelief : With the score of '309'<br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Protection:</span> «VER» On Letting Go : With the score of '357.23'<br>- You can send dogs for 150 years of training to <span style="font-weight:bold">Rushton Seraphim</span> aswell.<br><br>Thank you again, to everyone who competed. I enjoyed hosting this challenge!
  • Congrats Pride! ;D <br><br>I actually had a lot of fun waiting to see the results for all of these events. xD People outside of VP wouldn't understand, of course, but thanks for hosting this Simmy. ;DD<br><br>.___. Aaand oh. >___> I'll send my dogs over once I sort out who needs training and whatnot. xD Gah. Woooo!
    Banners: OPEN
    Training: OPEN ;D
    [Ver's kennel!]
  • Thanks ver. Congrats to you too for winning all three of the awards.<br><br>And yes, thanks so much for hosing this sim. I had a lot of fun with it.
  • I'm a bit late but congrats, Pride! And Ver, for taking all three of the other prizes! <br><br>And thanks, Sim. This was fun, I love waiting for the events to run.
  • Eek Congrats Ver and Pride!<br><br>
    Nice dog's, Ver. I'd place my money on your dog's to win this.
    <br><br>O.o Frost had pshychic powers, :lol:
    My Kennel
    First 8x4's Belgian Laekenois
    First 9x4's Belgian Shepards
    First 10x4 Australian Silky Terriers
  • Congrats all! Thank for hosting this, Simm, it was great! :D<br><br>Contracts sent! ^^<br>(btw, bids are blocked on that 10x4 Dalmatian :P)
  • <br><br>
    Nice dog's, Ver. I'd place my money on your dog's to win this.
    <br><br>O.o Frost had pshychic powers, :lol:
    <br><br>I should've placed my money on them!
  • Bids unblocked on the 6 prize dogs.<br><br>Also Az? You had 3 dogs in the top 10, so thats 3mil - not 1mil. (:
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