<br><ul class="bb-list-unordered"><span style="font-size:85">the introduction ,<br>first things first. if you have ordered a banner <a href="
http://virtualpups.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=71574" target="_blank" class="bb-url">here</a> and i disappeared before making it, let me know if you still want and i'll do it for free. however, if you want it changed you're going to have to re-order and it will cost you. okay, i find myself running a little low on cash for my liking. so thus i shall open my banners again. yes, they're rather inconsistent with getting done but i've had an okay response to them anyway. so there are only three spots and that's it because otherwise i get overwhelmed and things go downhill. all i ask is you follow my rules and that you're polite. my copyright going on these banners is <span style="font-weight:bold">bella</span> not blur, okay. that's just a heads up. <br><br>the examples ,<br>ignore the fact that these are horses not dogs, also take into account these are quite old.<br><a href="
http://i936.photobucket.com/albums/ad205/bellaisabamf/wr5.png" target="_blank" class="bb-url">one.</a> <a href="
http://i936.photobucket.com/albums/ad205/bellaisabamf/wr3.png" target="_blank" class="bb-url">two.</a> <a href="
http://i936.photobucket.com/albums/ad205/bellaisabamf/wr2.png" target="_blank" class="bb-url">three.</a> <a href="
http://i936.photobucket.com/albums/ad205/bellaisabamf/wr6.png" target="_blank" class="bb-url">four.</a><br>also the banner in my sig. is also an example.<br><br>my rules ,<br>ONE. do not remove the copyright or use these banners anywhere but virtualpups without my permission.<br>TWO. payment must be made twenty- four hours after completion of your banner, unless there is a specific reason to why you can't.<br>THREE. i will only edit your banner <span style="font-weight:bold">once</span> if you find a problem with it. if you are still unhappy with it then you may order another but must still pay me for my effort.<br>FOUR. please fill out your form with as much detail as possible. if you tell me to wing it, have fun with it or give me only the most basic of guidelines it may not come out as you want it.<br>FIVE. i prefer to search for my own pictures, but if i cannot find any that i can use, i will request that you find them for me. if you are supplying a picture i would like them to be large enough that i can play around with them.<br>SIX . i will not send negative contracts, you must sent them to <span style="font-weight:bold">nix II</span>.<br>SEVEN; these banners are choose your own price but it <span style="font-weight:bold">must be above 200k</span>.<br><br>the form explanation ,<br>SIZE; width x height , in pixels .<br>COLORS; three please .<br>BACKGROUND TYPE; if you want a solid color tell me, if you'd like a picture let me know what you'd like .<br>PICTURE TYPES; ie what kind of dogs or a tiger, etc.<br>MAIN TEXT; three words max .<br>SUBTEXT; kennel slogan , lyrics, etc.<br>BORDER; yes or no, color and size .<br>EXTRAS; do you want a certain font, a brush, an effect ? let me know .<br>PAYMENT; how much you are paying me and where your contract will be coming from .<br><br>the form ,<br>copy and paste this, fill it out with as much detail as possible.<br>
<span style="font-weight:bold">SIZE;</span><br><span style="font-weight:bold">COLORS;</span><br><span style="font-weight:bold">BACKGROUND TYPE;</span><br><span style="font-weight:bold">PICTURE TYPES;</span><br><span style="font-weight:bold">MAIN TEXT;</span><br><span style="font-weight:bold">SUBTEXT;</span><br><span style="font-weight:bold">BORDER;</span><br><span style="font-weight:bold">EXTRAS;</span><br><span style="font-weight:bold">PAYMENT;</span>
<br><br>the open spots ,<br>ONE. mysterous love<br>TWO. open<br>THREE. open<br><br>finished banners ,<br><a href="
http://i51.tinypic.com/29x9ohz.png" target="_blank" class="bb-url">FINNY</a> - PAID.<br><a href="
http://i52.tinypic.com/dh3bpe.png" target="_blank" class="bb-url">MYSTEROUS LOVE</a> - PAID<br></span><br></ul>