As some of you may know, I love kids and often work in my church's nursery. We entertain and care for the youngest children while the parents attend church. My favorite age group is the infants, and the director knows that and places me there whenever possible. <br><br>Getting to the point, my sister (age 9) also adores the infants. A little while ago, when my mom worked there with me, she came in. It was allowed since she was with a parent. (Heck, I remember helping my mom in the toddler nursery when I was only 7.) Then, she started coming in even when my mom wasn't there. Just for a few minutes at the end, to say hello and play with the babies. She knew she wasn't supposed to hold them. Gradually, she started getting more comfortable there. She stayed for longer periods of time and didn't think twice about picking up a baby. Don't get me wrong, my sister is good with infants for a 9 year old. Still, some parents aren't ok with a 9 year old watching their kids. (Even if there are adults in the room.)<br><br>None of the workers have ever said anything about her tagging along with me, but I've gotten to the point where I hate it. First of all, it makes me feel a little self-conscious. What if the director or the other volunteers aren't okay with a child being in there? Plus, it may seem silly, but I feel like if I'm always with my little sister, people won't think of me as an independent young adult. I want to be my own person and have something I can do by myself. I know she admires me, but does that mean she always has to do what I do?<br><br>It's been a while since I volunteered in the nursery. I'm scheduled to help again next week. My sister is already talking about it and begging to come. Last time, in a desperate effort to get her to leave, I told her she could come in for part of the time next time. I've talked to my mom about this a number of times, but she doesn't seem to understand. Once, my mom agreed to keeping her out, only because she was getting over a cold. My sister begged her and guilted her into letting her come in for 15 minutes at the end of the service. <br><br>I try my best to calmly explain things to my sister. I try to negotiate with her. Nothing works. When I was her age, I wanted to work in the nursery, but couldn't. I didn't have an older sibling to go with. I want to let her know that this has to stop. I'm fine with her coming at the very end. She can say hi and all that. But she can't be with me every second. Technically, it's not even allowed.<br><br>So, my question is, how can I explain this to her and my mom? My parents don't think it's a big deal, and my sister thinks it's completly unfair that she can't come with me every single time. I feel bad for her, but it will only be a couple of years until she can volunteer herself. I waited, why can't she? Please, anyone with a little sibling or younger friend, any advice?
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