Guys, send up some good vibes for my baby boy Ein. He is very very sick. He is wobbly and can barely walk without falling. He's barely been eating or drinking anything and he is running a fever since yesterday. My moms dog got sick this morning as well but she started having convulsions and throwing up the electrolytes we gave her and she passed away about an hour ago. Luckily Ein isnt having convulsions but he's still not well. Ein is my blue merle mini aussie and he's not feeling well. We think they were poisoned. People around here put out poison to kill hogs and either our dogs ate the poison or they ate the carcass of a hog that did. Weve bee ntrying some "home remedies" and we called the vet but he said there was nothing they could do besides putting him on an IV and that it would be no different than the electrolytes ive already been giving him. He's a lot better than he was yesterday though. He ate a little bit and he has been moving around even though he's pretty dizzy.
Goals: 13/50million VPC
I Keith Urban!