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An Old Soldier Trudges In.

I'm BAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKK!<br><br>Hey Guys!<br><br>I'm in the midst of trying to reopen my old VP account, if it can be done so that I can play with yall again.<br><br>Last visit was: Tue Mar 25, 2008 5:04 pm<br><br>Wow... That long ago? So since I've been gone, I've moved across the world and back, worked like a real person for a few years and found myself in school again. The other day I was wondering what has happened in the game, and saw a bunch of my old VP spreadsheets on my old laptop and thought... I MISS YOU ALL!<br><br>k, I'm done talking..<br><br>Hugs to all!<br><br>Krimes (aka. KrimenyKricket, Maccabi Krimes and more.)


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